#31 楼 @sniper114713 同感 混 CNode 的大多数同学都对前端不是很有兴趣.. 后端经常遇到大牛 Github 上看到不少用 Node 的前端,大概是用 Node 做前端工具,就不混论坛
看编译结果的 JS 嘛.. 那个压缩过.. 至少还能看懂 window.Topics
#17 楼 @zj0713001 当然,现有的教程都是用 JS 写的,写的是 coffee, 学的还是 JS
#8 楼 @blacktulip 看文档用 JS 语法,写代码用 coffee, 不影响. 表示我是了解 JS 语法后先学成了 coffee 的,路走得通
create_functions = -> [0...10].map (x) -> -> x
console.log create_functions()[0]()
console.log create_functions()[1]()
create_functions = ->
result = []
(do (i) -> result.push -> i) for i in [0...10]
console.log create_functions()[0]()
console.log create_functions()[1]()
碰到真就难过死了.. 有木有监控?
同事的 Mac 上 Chrome 前几天升级到 27, 老是卡死之类的,, 打开任务管理看了下,CPU 飙到 100% , Mac 还不如 Ubuntu 稳定么?
Here's Ubuntu.
Issue 设置之类的导航在不同页面不一致,用着不方便,其他暂时能接受
90 分及格,也就是说满分 150 咯.. 不晓得 Haskell 能多少分 20 年了,真赞
记得以前说 Chrome 内置 Flash, Chromium 没.. 不知道还是不是
很喜欢,, 貌似把我们在 Github 上嚷嚷 Jekyll 的人的目标给实现出来了.. 现在网站文档运行了吗?现在写的东西不是测试数据的吧?
#44 楼 @blacktulip 英语好难懂... 虽然摘了一遍
Python style block by indentation is an interesting idea, but it works badly with
So I'd rather be conservative here.
Note that the Haskell folks have managed to evolve a language in which python-like spacing can be used to mark the extent of discrete code chunks, but so can traditional braces.
I admit Haskell syntax is much better than Python's. But I am not yet sure if it can be applied to Ruby.
imho: indentation should not define semantic;
suggestion: make 'end' optional if code block contains only one statement;
I'm not sure if we can define syntax for above suggestion.
while cond
puts a
puts b # delimit by indentation or else??
or maybe
while cond: puts a # should be in same line
I admit Haskell syntax is much better than Python's.
Matz, you must be joking... Python is much easier to read than Haskell.
To rephrase, "Haskell INDENTATION SYNTAX is much better than Python's". Clear?
What do you think about OPTIONAL block indendation in Ruby?
I am not positive for general block-by-indentation idea. If one REALLY loves the idea, Python always waits for you.
But I sometime want "end"-less single line structure (in normal order), e.g.
if foo then bar # pseudo syntax; you may require delimiters
bar if foo
especially when I write very small code chunk. Not knowing what syntax it should be.
imho: we need special terminator anyway, now it is 'end', could be another; suggestion: introduce ';;' terminator for 'implicit blocks (not started with class/module/def/do/begin), ie:
For your information, 1.9 once had exact same syntax you've proposed for a short while. I have a time machine. The idea was abandoned since it caused serious unreadability.
#42 楼 @mingyuan0715 讲解一下 Matz 怎么说的不?看看能不能说通我们转投 end
Linux 用户,Feedly, 希望能无缝
上个月天气热跑到窗外上网.. 想到快离校了一伤心拍了一张
因为这话足够浅显,拉点 git 文档混淆一下试试
flatten 不彻底,常见的扁平设计都是纯色背景,最简化图标,这里用的是渐变, 微博有人推测是暗示苹果要出透明手机了觉得还挺有意思的
Google 一个 Facebook 一个,前端框架到时候怎么选啊?各种学习成本和重复造轮子不能重用模块?