#21 楼 @forecho 后端工程师表示很欢喜~ Bootstrap 4 官方文档中文版已经翻译好了,移步这里 http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/bootstrap4/ ,短网址 http://boot4.com
git fetch --all $ git reset --hard origin/master
$ git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything. Then the $git reset resets the master branch to what you just fetched.
[www@hostname current]$ git fetch --all
Fetching origin
From github.com:iceskysl/www
ad05fc..2009e v3 -> origin/v3
[www@hostname current]$ git reset --hard origin/v3
HEAD is now at 205809e Merge pull request #42 from IceskYsl/v3
#2 楼 @zhou1_zhen2 具体的单独谈吧,没有固定的限制。
#29 楼 @poshboytl 这个是通过啥录制的?
#3 楼 @xdite #2 楼 @lulalala http://www.meetup.com/taipei-rails-meetup/Tue 好像是 Jul 16,我是 20 号才过去:)
#17 楼 @sundevilyang wifi 还可以~走的公司 10M 光纤~ 位置不够 100 人,边上走道站一部分应该可以 100 人上下~
#7 楼 @jasl #10 楼 @sundevilyang 公司有个活动室做的阶梯,差不多可以容纳 70+ 人,边上走道如果坐人应该可以 100 人上下~
#1 楼 @sundevilyang 以后活动我可以友情提供公司的场地(阶梯教室)~
HTTP Streaming is another change that is new in Rails 3.1. This lets the browser download your stylesheets and JavaScript files while the server is still generating the response. This requires Ruby 1.9.2, is opt-in and requires support from the web server as well, but the popular combo of nginx and unicorn is ready to take advantage of it.