目前 RubyMine
很 Cool 的产品,测试下来很丝滑。
Clacky AI 太猛了。希望拿到邀请码。
厉害了。AI 起到了多大的作用?能分享下吗?谢谢。
谢谢你的分享。那个是 JavaScript 做的,咱们整个 Rails 的 。
Sounds to be a nice job opportunity. I will need to prepare my portfolio first.
我也失业了,也想做个开源的简历工具。现在有个需求没有得到满足:简历内容不能加颜色,字体大小不能增大或加粗。如果能有个支持 Markdown 的简历应该会不少人用。
The boss doesn't allow using Ruby.
楼主你好。我也失业大半年了,现在在刷力扣。而且我已经 42 岁了,比你大了整整一轮 。你现在有紧张感,说明你心理成熟,我在你这么大的时候还在瞎折腾,一晃老了
Ruby-China 社区里藏着一个牛 X 的人物,李笑来,中国比特币首富。如果想赚钱 ,我想,你找他帮忙就好了,因为我也在学习他。他能成为比特币中国之王,是因为他深邃的思想,我已经拜读了他 6 本书了,受益匪浅。
如果说自己能对你能有什么帮助,我看还是戒游戏和控制游戏时长方面 。我在疯狂地玩了 6 年游戏后,转为小玩,终于在第九年戒掉了游戏。目前经营了个公众号“张健教戒游戏和网瘾”,希望里面的文章能对你控制游戏时长有帮助。
I can make it even the first factor: https://www.12factor.net/codebase I often put some services (apps) of one system into one repo. Haven't met any issues yet since we use different dockerfile for each app.
React win, Rails win, Lit win for now.
Hope Rails + Lit
win for tomorrow.
Rails is getting more beautiful now. I love it.
This is what I am looking for. I am writing a book with Markdown, and so happily that Writebook support Markdown.
Hello Mark. I am afraid what you said was wrong.
Here: code for nested iteration is an example that ERB works well enough in Sinatra. Please describe clearly if I misunderstand you. I am satisfied with ERB.
1 楼我的评论被删除了。有什么问题吗?请删除的管理员回复下。谢谢。
Shenzhen is a wonderful place.
Hope you are still using Ruby during your daily work. I am using Ruby only when doing Leetcode questions, or when I have the power to decide which language to use. Taking Ruby back is the responsibility of us all.
I remember 8 years ago I had a debate with @Rei on ruby-china about gender discrimination. Finally he taught me a lesson. Sometimes we didn't realize that what we have done or thought was wrong. I support @Rei Administrator should do things. That is their privilege. If not @Rei , there will be other administrator standing out to do so.
Rails girl is unstoppable in China. The girls are Rubiest's girls friends or wives.
Still ugly. Far behind Rails. Not even catch up with Rails 3.
Wake up, bosses! This is your solution. Give us the chance to use this attractive technology before you get bankrupt.
I am using Django. Let me tell you how ugly Django template is: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/templates/
For example.
{% extends 'layout_basic_table.html' %}
{% block title %}Need Further Translation Texts{% endblock title %}
{% block header_title %}Need Further Translation Texts{% endblock header_title %}
{% block table_content %}
{% for field in fields %}
<th>{{ field }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for item in need_translation_texts %}
<td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
<a href="https://api.pagg-prod.com/admin/api/translationdictionary/{{ item.0 }}/change/">
{{ item.0 }}
<td>{{ item.1 }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock table_content %}
!Template in Django is just for display.
You can never write any Python code in template
That means if you want to make the item.1
to be lower-cased, no direct way in template to do it.
You have to prepare the item.1
well in the backend controller code.
So for Ruby developer, you are probably want to write code in views like "#{school.name} #{school.ranking}"
This is not allowed in Django template. You have to do it in the Django views.py
(like: Ruby controller), and create variables like school_name
, school_ranking
and use them directly in template.
So Django is awful. Web companies using Django are on the edge of bankrupt.
I was just wondering when you guys have lunch? Since leaving office at 7:30pm would be a little hungry. Having dinner before 7:30pm at the office, which would be somehow a slacking off.
You are a real geek. That works.
I am 40. You are too young. But I suggest you do full-time non-remote work. Because full-time non-remote work provide you more compensation. I don't like remote work.
Good article.
Because they are both bullshit!
Sometimes you want to use Ruby, but there are not good work opportunities in your city. So you have to switch to use Python. For me, I will not accept using Java since it is nasty to code.