牛! 支持!
This article is really good.
牛啊。Team! 看到了就想要一台。
Full of good stuff.
faye 还是不错的。不过我当时用的是 node 版本的。
996 的情况,十三年前就已经存在,现在仔细想想,这个问题可能日渐严重了。 因为近期我参加了一些公司的面试,真有不小比例的公司在走类 996 行为。 不得不说这是中国人的悲哀。 但我相信,996 的公司最终结果应该不会好。996 行为终将被历史淘汰。
996 很可怕。13 年前刚毕业时加入的第一个公司就是 996,干了四个月,受不了,离开了。 从此以后,就决定再也不去制度性加班的公司工作了。 所幸按照这个思路去找工作,都是不怎么加班的公司。
菜很多。总有客官喜欢的 干货应该不少。
YC 毕业,不同凡响。
可以用 Chrome 中带的 Google Translate(可能是 Google Extension,要安装下)。 用它翻译 https://github.com/gazeldx/Learn-Rails-by-Reading-Source-Code 效果不错。
自研网关有深度,这种文章很难得。 楼主是否能回答我一个问题:中小公司的微服务架构是否也需要上 APIGate?
没有写接收简历的邮箱呢。请问 Ruby 工程师招吗?这儿是 Ruby 社区哦。谢谢。
本人 rvm + homebrew + 新安装的 MacOS。出现这个问题后,用
rvm reinstall 2.3.8 --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2q
Thanks. This article is important for me. Although I have been heard docker for a long time, it's the first time I use it. I suggest other developers try docker. It will only take you 5 minutes to have a new world. You can get a virtual machine totally no sweat.
Just follow https://store.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac and run
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app -w /app ruby:2.3 bash
, you will have a ruby2.3 container(like a debian virtual machine, but it will cost you only 19.27 MB's disk space).
No. I am still a programmer. I haven't succeeded in stock market yet. But I didn't give up.
Yes. You are sensitive.
@Rei Writings.io is not failed. It exists in another way. Closed doesn't mean failed. Even if we call it failed, we'd better realize that failings are the mother of success. Rei was known by more people for creating Writings.io .
Thanks. I am just trying to find a room now.
Great opportunity for people who is dedicated to bio-pharmaceutical.
What is really your need? Please think it throughly. Read some books talking to your heart.