对于 Ruby 来说 eval()
#42 楼 @ghjcumt2008 自从我吧“酷工作”和“二手交易”屏蔽后,我发现 V2EX 质量高多了。
被 @doitian 提到了哈〜
相当反感这样的 Hack,很没必要,而且不干净。
况且不是以“r”开头的 Gem 就没辙了,还不如扫描所有参数,然后 def method_missing ... end
V2EX 才是!
264 cd
247 ls
136 sudo
71 git
50 pwd
47 rm
43 vim
40 subl
39 clear
38 nw
最近用 node-webkit 写了点小前端……所以榜上有名了。
曾经在 V2EX 上很火的。
自动补全 + 拼写检查
#7 楼 @chairy11 我只是想说:“Sinatra 这么轻量的框架都有那么漂亮的报错,Rails……”
#14 楼 @Ryan gem 'better_errors'
Sinatra 原生的报错也很美观呀~
仔细看 缩进 。
1. In the Project, select the item or items you want to add to favorites.
2. Do one of the following:
- On the main menu, point to File | Add To Favorites.
- On the context menu of the selection, point to Add To Favorites
3.Something else
差点,路上…… #28 楼 @RainFlying 目测 zsh。
#16 楼 @blacktulip 收我国电影审查制度影响,在我国,电影的正版与盗版,不是合法与不合法的问题,而是有与没有的问题。
#9 楼 @fenprace If you use Ubuntu and some other linux distributions, the root password is unknown actually. You can have a try to run su
, and input your password. You'll get an error.
To run a shell as the root, you can run sudo su
, it means running su
as the root. And the su command will start a shell. Simply running sudo bash
is also available.
This problem won't happen on Archlinux, Gentoo and most of the server linux distributions. Because on these linux distributions, the root's password is set by user before the installation and the password is known. So if you are using one of the above, just running su
also works well.
Because it said "Permission denied"
Mongodb created /db/data
as the default directory to store the database after installing, and it belongs to root defaultly.
chown <UR USERNAME> /data/db
#2 楼 @jiyinyiyong codeschool.com
我走的貌似是 14……