Yukihiro Matsumoto: Ruby inherited the Perl philosophy of having more than one way to do the same thing. I inherited that philosophy from Larry Wall, who is my hero actually. I want to make Ruby users free. I want to give them the freedom to choose. People are different. People choose different criteria. But if there is a better way among many alternatives, I want to encourage that way by making it comfortable. So that's what I've tried to do. Maybe Python code is a bit more readable. Everyone can write the same style of Python code, so it can be easier to read, maybe. But the difference from one person to the next is so big, providing only one way is little help even if you're using Python, I think. I'd rather provide many ways if it's possible, but encourage or guide users to choose a better way if it's possible.
如果英文尚可,可以看看这里https://www.e-accent.com/careers/, 然后发简历到 [email protected]。 办公室在北京东三环中路的建外 SOHO 西区。
我觉得你不如在开源 CMS 上做二次开发,或者至少可以研究一下他们是怎么处理的。
#15 楼 @jobthoughtworks "骚窝"这个翻译不错,信、达、雅!
这篇,Test-induced design damage,讲得就比较具体了:"you do not let your tests drive your design, you let your design drive your tests!"
File.write File.read(File.expand_path('../rre.yaml.template', __FILE__))
Preview plugin is a tool developed to help you to preview markup files such as .markdown, .rdoc, .textile and .html when you are editing them. It builds html files and opens them in your browser.
我看了一下 TeamMate 的代码,觉得有两个问题:
业务逻辑基本都在 controllers 里
测试代码基本是检查 controllers,而不是检查业务逻辑
看标题还以为是 14 年工作经验呢,哈哈
也许是 tab 和 space 的差别。编辑器能够把 tab 显示成占位符很有用。
刚刚解决了一个死锁问题,发现 newrelic_rpm gem 里有个很好用的工具,在 bin 文件夹里,叫做 nrdegub.
这个标题,不知道该怎么断句。是“前端会一点”,还是“会一点 ruby”?
#9 楼 @michael_roshen 我们公司已经有近十年的历史,一直有稳定的业务。没有创业公司提供的想象空间,只能提供一个稳定的职位。简历可以发送到[email protected]。网站是http://e-accent.com。
#4 楼 @michael_roshen 对远程工作兴趣吗?
IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 100
IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.irb-history"
IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT] = true
嗯,我创建了这个文件后 irb 才有历史记录。
请求中有没有携带 authenticity_token?没有的话可能会有问题。
Rails 源代码中返回 false 的应该是这句:!value.to_i.zero?