招聘 [西安][猎头] 某美资互联网公司 ruby 研发工程师

joycehunter · 2014年03月14日 · 最后由 joycehunter 回复于 2014年05月07日 · 2994 次阅读


  • Develop and engineer a complex, multi-tiered distributed software systems
  • Provide software solutions for technical and business requirements and code the implementation
  • Perform code changes to enhance a product or add new features, to resolve programming errors and develop new products as assigned
  • Develop and finish Dev tasks in a timely manner based on project plans
  • Actively communicate with different functional teams and stakeholders about the progress/changes made in your developing/coding works
  • Regularly perform code review and improve the code quality
  • Provide authentic time logging and tracking of the tasks working on
  • Keep up to date with the best practices

职位要求: ? At least 3 year Ruby working experience (For Sr. Ruby) ? High transaction and high traffic web site solutions. ? Expert web application developer using Ruby technologies, e.g. ROR, Sinatra, etc. ? Expertise in one or more modern database technologies. ? Highly knowledgeable in HTML and CSS and writing standards-compliant code ? Expertise in JavaScript development including OOP patterns and familiarity with popular 3rd party frameworks. ? Expertise in unit testing, experience testing and continuous integration. ? Experience with Linux and web-server technologies and deployment, e.g. Apache, nginx, mongrel, etc. ? Practical experience employing user-centered design methods. ? Solid background with Agile software development methodologies.



有兴趣的朋友欢迎邮件了解更多:[email protected]

Where FULLSTACK happens

西安用 ruby 的公司就那么两三个,招 3 年 ruby 经验?可以歇息了,3 年以上的本地 rubyist 都知道是谁……

#2 楼 @howiehu 是猎头招聘,猎头招聘总是这么遮遮掩掩的。

#6 楼 @lgn21st 哈哈掰着指头都知道谁在猎,只是在西安以这标准招人,不得不说相当浮躁。


#6 楼 @lgn21st 不遮掩不行呀,行规


#10 楼 @joycehunter 这还用解释么?这里是社区呀,大家看的是诚意呀。

#11 楼 @lgn21st 我不是没诚意,只是必须遵守一些规矩;真有朋友对职位有兴趣的,私聊是可以知无不言的。

#12 楼 @joycehunter 我觉得这就是做猎头的尴尬了,这里很多职位是猎头发一份,客户公司自己发一份,然后猎头招聘贴就没有什么优势了。你有没有什么更好的对策?

#13 楼 @lgn21st 是的,在论坛里确实没什么优势。我能想到的是主动出击,给西安的坛友和貌似西安的坛友发骚扰邮件~^.^~ (不过收效甚微啊……)

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