• Writings 开源 at September 29, 2013

    #29 楼 @dotcomXY

    支持 latex 吗?

  • 向你们取经,贵公司如何做到

    「没有周报,没有考核,没有 KPI,很少开会,但有严格的个人计划管理」


    你们如果不写,怎么规划产品的 milestone?怎么了解下属的进度?


  • 超级喜欢这篇文章。

  • RubyConfChina 大会门票调价了 at September 27, 2013

    #40 楼 @Rei


  • RubyConfChina 大会门票调价了 at September 27, 2013

    #36 楼 @lgn21st


    1. 去北京太远了,广州的同学尤其不方便。
    2. 帝都的空气质量这么差
    3. 住宿吃饭都死贵死贵
    4. 学生穷,付不起路费


  • RubyConfChina 大会门票调价了 at September 27, 2013

    #27 楼 @howiehu

    要不我们把老婆带过去,让她们组团在北京瞎逛(or shoping)去吧,哈哈。


  • RubyConfChina 大会门票调价了 at September 27, 2013

    #23 楼 @howiehu



  • RubyConfChina 大会门票调价了 at September 27, 2013

    #19 楼 @howiehu



  • Writings.io 失败了 at September 27, 2013

    wrtings.io 关闭了,Rei 心里肯定很难受。希望你能在未来做出更棒的互联网产品。



    我在 Rei 的博文中,经常看到「我认为..., 所以我改版了,修改为...」,你一旦成为设计者,就不可能是用户了。用户使用产品的行为相当奇葩,我们这些设计真真的猜不透的。


    当你准确的定位到一个用户群时,多和他们沟通,即可以避免无用的投入,又可获得 idea。


    1. 上线

    2. 科技媒体曝光,导入流量

    3. 用户抱怨、骂产品、提供反馈

    4. 改进

    5. 流量暴跌(或略上涨)

    6. 重复验证 step3,step 4 and step5,漫长的平台期

    7. success or die

    每个做产品的人都要重复 3、4、5 这个循环 n 次才能找到「用户真正的痛点」。当用户量低,心拔凉拔凉的时候,一定要挺住。


  • Time Capsule 使用一个月感受 at September 27, 2013


  • 不要只是按照自己的想法做产品。



  • 花两天时间做出来,验证一下「商业模式」,比一堆假设要靠谱的多。

  • Writings.io 失败了 at September 26, 2013

    #35 楼 @song940


  • #27 楼 @quakewang




  • 拉布拉多小的时候很调皮,喜欢咬东西。你可以先用笼子关起来。

    到 1 岁左右就很老实了。

  • Writings.io 失败了 at September 25, 2013



  • 开源诚可贵 , 理性价更高 at September 25, 2013



  • 这是来自 quora 的一个答案,自勉。

    The top 1% excel at most or all of them:

    Think big (行业视野)- A 1% PM's thinking won't be constrained by the resources available to them today or today's market environment. They'll describe large disruptive opportunities, and develop concrete plans for how to take advantage of them.

    Communicate(沟通能力) - A 1% PM can make a case that is impossible to refute orignore. They'll use data appropriately, when available, but they'll also tap into other biases, beliefs, and triggers that can convince the powers that be to part with headcount, money, or other resources and then get out of the way.

    Simplify(以小牟大) - A 1% PM knows how to get 80% of the value out of any feature or project with 20% of the effort. They do so repeatedly, launching more and achieving compounding effects for the product or business.

    Prioritize(对用户的反馈有规划,知道任务的优先级) - A 1% PM knows how to sequence projects. They balance quick wins vs. platform investments appropriately. They balance offense and defense projects appropriately. Offense projects are ones that grow the business. Defense projects are ones that protect and remove drag on the business (operations, reducing technical debt, fixing bugs, etc.).

    Forecast and measure (数据驱动)- A 1% PM is able to forecast the approximate benefit of a project, and can do so efficiently by applying past experience and leveraging comparable benchmarks. They also measure benefit once projects are launched, and factor those learnings into their future prioritization and forecasts.

    Execute(执行力) - A 1% PM grinds it out. They do whatever is necessary to ship. They recognize no specific bounds to the scope of their role. As necessary, they recruit, they produce buttons, they do bizdev, they escalate, they tussle with internal counsel, they *.

    Understand technical trade-offs (了解技术细节)- A 1% PM does not need to have a CS degree. They do need to be able to roughly understand the technical complexity of the features they put on the backlog, without any costing input from devs. They should partner with devs to make the right technical trade-offs (i.e. compromise).

    Understand good design (了解好的设计)- A 1% PM doesn't have to be a designer, but they should appreciate great design and be able to distinguish it from good design. They should also be able to articulate the difference to their design counterparts, or at least articulate directions to pursue to go from good to great.

    Write effective copy (写的了一手好文案)- A 1% PM should be able to write concise copy that gets the job done. They should understand that each additional word they writedilutes the value of the previous ones. They should spend time and energy trying to find the perfect words for key copy (button labels, nav, calls-to-action, etc.), not just words that will suffice.

    I'm not sure I've ever met a 1% PM, certainly not one that I identified as such prior to hiring. Instead of trying to hire one, you're better off trying to hire a 10% PM who strives to develop and improve along these dimensions.

  • 多个应用需要单独注册吗? at September 21, 2013



  • 试了你们的微信,相当有趣。大家可以去调戏一下。

  • 面试求职者时我更喜欢营造轻松的氛围,便于对方发挥真实水平,也能让对方放松警惕,露出破绽。


  • 坚持跑步吧,让我每一天都精神百倍。

  • #7 楼 @xautjzd

    你要简单的了解一下 linux 的权限管理方法,否则永远不明白。

  • 权限应该是 744,644 吧

  • 好久没聚会了,很想念你们。不过我这周四才出院,就不去凑热闹了。

  • 要是能解决孩子的教育问题,老有所依。鬼才买房子。

  • 自己在医院,感觉 so lonely at September 15, 2013

    #21 楼 @liuhui998


