• Heroku since 2007.06


    • Engine Yard
    • Ninefold
    • OpenShift
    • anynines
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    • AWS OpsWorks
    • Google App Engine
    • Jelastic
    • Pivotal Cloud Foundry
    • Windows Azure Websites
    • AppFog
  • 能做货币的才是靠谱的...

    • Ruby 之神通敵不過 Python 之業力,
    • Python 之業力敵不過 Javascript 之願力
    • 众人法术皆敵不過 C/C++ 之神通
  • 还有人看好比特币吗? at April 02, 2018

    我发现一个区块链公司,跨国,人挺多的,职位周全,真人头像,linkein 链接,妥妥大团队。




  • 残疾 大龄 自学

    • 1951 年,王江民出生于上海市。三岁时患小儿麻痹症,此后腿部留下残疾。初中毕业后,王江民回到山东,自学机械与光电知识。

    • 1979 年,由于激光方面的造诣获得新长征突击手标兵称号。

    • 1988 年,王江民自学计算机和程序设计,不久成为中国计算机安全方面的专家。

    • 1996 年,王江民与高宁结婚并在北京中关村创办江民科技有限公司 [1]。

    • 2003 年,王江民依靠 KV 杀毒软件进入中国 IT 富豪榜 50 强。同年,王江民与高宁离婚 [2]。

    • 2010 年 4 月 4 日 9:20,王江民在北京去世,享年 59 岁。据《北京青年报》报道,王江民是在 4 月 4 日上午于北京京西信翔鱼池钓鱼时突发心脏病的,去世前并无任何征兆 [3]。

  • 谨防比特币和区块链骗局 at January 30, 2018

    成本价 2-4 千一平的商品房,买到 10 万一平,谨防比比特币和区块链更大的,超大规模骗局

  • eth 听说被猫给搞卡了

  • @xhj6 税我的确不懂, 我的教育项目流水是 8A 级别的,每年,税当然是交给专家处理的,



    如果算法优化后,时间缩短 -5%, 那么这里会涉及到良心问题吗,会对以前浪费的时间,浪费项目相关人的时间,有愧吗,显然不会

    这个项目是一个 "jump into" 级别的培训,网友@dsh0416 面试的是专业职位,靠此谋生的职位,这两者是本质不同的。

    全世界的 "jump into" 辅导班都面临这个问题,去年就倒闭掉好多。在行业组织,以及 MEET UP, GROUP, 互联网工业上下游都缺乏的领域,比如 ruby, 尤其突出。

    是的,去年全世界编程辅导班倒闭好多 .

    "jump into" 辅导班收费高,我觉得是应该的,

    1. 这是一个有无的问题,ruby 辅导班多了,价格自然下降
    2. 这个收费对目标群体来说,并不高,不是天价

    教育是人的一种体验,价格并不是单纯由教育的内容决定的,决定教育价格的因素有很多. 因为 ruby 培训长期空白,所以新的辅导班会受到额外的关注和非议


    1. 2020 年之前,不会有高级写字楼里的 ruby 培训班
    2. 2019 年之前,ruby 培训一直是小打小闹的状态

    这个事件,给教育培训圈子 和投资圈子的信息是:

    ruby 教育培训细分市场可以忽略

  • 关于税,新办法只能多,不能比这个比例少

  • 你不是这个行业的,不要想当然

  • 『编程项目赚了两千万』

    这句话不太严谨 我猜一下:

    1. 两千万是毛收入,不是利润
    2. 一般按咨询缴纳,5% 的营业税,7% 的城建税,3% 的教育费附加
    3. 还有场地租用,保护费,车马茶水,等等费用
    4. 销售费用要占大头,这个最重要,点数就不点破了,这个自己体会

    大陆培训 c++ php java ... 的都去美国上市了,对比 ruby 的才有一个 dead 项目


    不是抱怨语言,而是抱怨用语言的人,包括自己,看那些用 ruby 的隐形富豪,从来不多说...

    现在有了参照,两千万以上的 ruby 富豪,论坛里有多少呢?

  • 每个人理解的形容词都不一样, 比如合理可以这样理解

    市场平均薪资 * ( 1 + 1 + 1)

    • 1: 能够胜任
    • 1: 数字货币
    • 1: 情怀
  • 玩 ruby 的一般都玩铁路,火车头,这比特斯拉啥的电动车要烧钱

    • 初级玩家越多,行业薪资越低
    • 高端玩家中有很多隐形富豪
    • 到手的美元说明一切,这里重要的数据是 Junior 那一行

  • 最近的一点小感悟 at November 01, 2017

    C...ese like the biggest one, they do not get independent thinking, just do fake thinking, finally, choose the big est one. Choosing the speed-est one, the 鲁棒-est one, are the same as the biggest one.

    now, it is Java with CN style

    From now on, the chances of using niche languages in authoritarian countries are shrinking, but in the world except CN, it is the opposite.

    The winter is coming...

  • X10 都玄乎

  • 怎样看待 PressOne 项目 at July 14, 2017


  • answer for challenge 6 easy:

    require "bigdecimal/math"


    => "0.31415926535897932364198143965603e1"

    This output is more than 30 decimal places, We need fromat it.

    sprintf("%.30f", BigMath.PI(1))


    => "3.141592653589793115997963468544"

    check it...

    sprintf("%.30f", BigMath.PI(1)).length


    => 32

    All above is easy, isn't it.

  • @dsh0416 我倾向于更加简单,更加简化的理解和解决。

    dailyprogramer 栏目中,如果题目标注 easy, 请让题目解决起来像 easy 一样。


    • challenge 4 intermediate 可以使用 eval 解决
    • challenge 6 easy 可以使用 BigDecimal 解决。BigDecimal provides arbitrary-precision floating point decimal arithmetic.
  • 这两个 ruby 项目都是顶级而不是入门级别的项目

    传闻 discourse 代码里 .net 风味浓厚,我又看了 c++ 分类,


  • challenge 4 intermediate 我觉可以简单处理,

    eval "1+1"
  • @dsh0416 我觉得 AI 不会知道堆中含棋子的个数,

    AI 与 Player 轮流取棋子

    1. 取走棋子,取走几个是不确定的
    2. 取走棋子的个数可以小于剩余棋子个数
    3. 若大于剩余个数,即不成功提取,成为输家
  • 希望能够支持 input sketch file

  • 贴几个小题目,对新手够友好了吧





  • 潜水不就很好吗,总想搞个大新闻,社区本不是以"对新手友好"为宗旨的,除非是那种训练营

  • 在我看来,填写志愿也就 1.2 秒


    换句话讲就是国企托拉斯, 了解近代史,当代史, 软件开发行业才是优选

    拿汽车行业来讲,长城 和 吉利,后面人不同,都算民企,差别很大. 同一个专业,进这两个企业,个人发展会受很大影响。

  • challenge 6 easy

    You're challenge for today is to create a program that can calculate pi accurately to at least 30 decimal places.

    你今天的挑战是创建一个可以精确计算 pi, 至少 30 位小数的程序。

    Try not to cheat :)

    challenge 6 intermediate

    create a program that can remove all duplicate strings from a .txt. file. for example, "bdbdb" -> "bd"

    创建一个可以从.txt 中删除所有重复字符串的程序。文件。例如,“bdbdb” - >“bd”

    remove duplicate substrings. Ex: aaajtestBlaBlatestBlaBla ---> aaajtestBlaBla

    another example: aaatestBlaBlatestBlaBla aaathisBlaBlathisBlaBla aaathatBlaBlathatBlaBla aaagoodBlaBlagoodBlaBla aaagood1BlaBla123good1BlaBla123

    output desired: aaatestBlaBla aaathisBlaBla aaathatBlaBla aaagoodBlaBla aaagood1BlaBla123

    challenge 6 hard

    create a AI that will play NIM


  • 对于一个肯吃苦就有高薪的行业来说,你分析的太多了

    Rails 不难,几个月就可以很熟。难的是做个 developer,


  • challenge 5 easy

    Your challenge for today is to create a program which is password protected, and wont open unless the correct user and password is given.


    For extra credit, have the user and password in a seperate .txt file.

    额外的加分,将用户和密码放在单独的.text 文件中。

    for even more extra credit, break into your own program :)

    challenge 5 intermediate

    Your challenge today is to write a program that can find the number of anagrams within a .txt file.

    您今天的挑战是编写一个程序,可以找到 a.txt 文件中的字谜的数量。

    For example, "snap" would be an anagram of "pans", and "skate" would be an anagram of "stake".

    challenge 5 hard

    Arrr, me mateys! Yer' challenge fer' today be a tough one.

    It be gettin awfully borein' on the high seas, so yer' job be to create a pirate based fightin' game! This game oughter' be turn based, and you oughter' be able to pick yer attacks every turn.

    The best game'll be winnin' some custom flair, and all the rest o' ya will be walkin the plank!

  • challenge 4 easy

    You're challenge for today is to create a random password generator!


    For extra credit, allow the user to specify the amount of passwords to generate.


    For even more extra credit, allow the user to specify the length of the strings he wants to generate!


    challenge 4 intermediate

    create a calculator program that will take an input, following normal calculator input (5*5+4) and give an answer (29). This calculator should use all four operators.

    创建一个计算器程序,将按照正常的计算器输入(5 * 5 + 4)进行输入,并给出答案(29)。 这个计算器应该使用所有四个运算符。

    For extra credit, add other operators (6(4+3), 3 ** 3, etc.)

    challenge 4 hard

    today, your challenge is to create a program that will take a series of numbers (5, 3, 15), and find how those numbers can add, subtract, multiply, or divide in various ways to relate to eachother.


    This string of numbers should result in 5 * 3 = 15, or 15 /3 = 5, or 15/5 = 3. When you are done, test your numbers with the following strings:

    这个数字字符串应该得到结果 5 * 3 = 15 或 15/3 = 5 或 15/5 = 3 完成后,使用以下字符串测试您的数字:

    4, 2, 8
    6, 2, 12
    6, 2, 3
    9, 12, 108
    4, 16, 64

    For extra credit, have the program list all possible combinations.


    for even more extra credit, allow the program to deal with strings of greater than three numbers. For example, an input of (3, 5, 5, 3) would be 3 * 5 = 15, 15/5 = 3. When you are finished, test them with the following strings.


    2, 4, 6, 3
    1, 1, 2, 3
    4, 4, 3, 4
    8, 4, 3, 6
    9, 3, 1, 7
  • 天哪,你真高!

    challenge 3 easy

    Welcome to cipher day! write a program that can encrypt texts with an alphabetical caesar cipher. This cipher can ignore numbers, symbols, and whitespace. 编写一个可以使用字母凯撒密码加密文本的程序,该密码可以忽略数字,符号和空格。 for extra credit, add a "decrypt" function to your program!

    challenge 3 intermediate

    Welcome to cipher day! Create a program that can take a piece of text and encrypt it with an alphabetical substitution cipher. This can ignore white space, numbers, and symbols.


    for extra credit, make it encrypt whitespace, numbers, and symbols! for extra extra credit, decode someone elses cipher!

    challenge 3 hard

    Welcome to cipher day! For this challenge, you need to write a program that will take the scrambled words from this post, and compare them against THIS WORD LIST to unscramble them. For bonus points, sort the words by length when you are finished. Post your programs and/or subroutines!

    需要编写一个程序,这个程序将从下面获取加密的单词,并将它们与这个 WORD LIST 进行比较来解读它们。对于奖励,当完成时,按长度排序单词。发布您的程序和/或子程序!

    Here are your words to de-scramble:




    mkeart unscrambled is market
    sleewa unscrambled is weasel
    edcudls unscrambled is cuddles
    iragoge unscrambled is georgia
    usrlsle unscrambled is russell
    nalraoci unscrambled is carolina
    nsdeuto unscrambled is notused
    amrhat unscrambled is martha
    inknsy unscrambled is skinny
    iferkna unscrambled is frankie

    考察 WORD LIST 中的内容