据说这个世界上只有 10 种人,1 种是懂二进制的,一种是不动二进制的.. 懂得都来扯淡吧~
源码里全是 `}`
Just inside the gates of heaven, St. Peter sits at a desk checking people in.
Peter: “Welcome to heaven. Programming language?”
The man at the front of the line says, “Smalltalk.”
Glancing at his clipboard, Peter says, “Room 33. Be very quiet as you pass Room Six.”
The process repeats itself with the next person in line:
Peter: “Welcome to heaven. Programming language?”
Person #2: “Common Lisp.”
Peter: “Room 17. Be very quiet as you pass Room Six.”
The next person moves to the front of the line with a look of curiosity on her face.
Peter: “Welcome to heaven. Programming language?”
Person #3: “Python.”
Peter: “Room 54. Be very quiet as you pass Room Six.”
Person #3: “Why do you keep telling us to be quiet as we pass Room Six?”
Peter: “Because the Ruby on Rails People are in Room Six, and they think they’re the only ones here.”
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: those who know binary and those who don’t.
http://xkcd.com 有很多 geek 幽默,编程语言相关的比如这张:http://xkcd.com/221/
stackoverflow 以前有过类似的帖子,后来限制了,只能 rep 10k+ 的人访问;其中有很多经典,有些被人转载在 Quora:http://www.quora.com/What-are-the-most-popular-computer-programming-jokes 比如这个:
Why do computer programmers confuse Halloween with Christmas? Because Oct 31 = Dec 25.
另外推荐 xkcd 的 little bobby tables:http://xkcd.com/327/
以及黑 Java 的经典段子:Saying that Java is nice because it works on every OS is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on every gender.
"Emacs is a nice operating system. The only thing it lacks is a good editor."
Greg Menke 發出了第一個置頂帖。使用 vi?那該多麽麻煩呀?他把自己的步驟貼了出來: 1.獲得一條任意品種的魚,長度大於 12 英寸就行 2.冰凍一晚上 3.把它放到電腦前,運行 vi 4.抓住魚的尾巴不停的往你頭上砸,直到你決定用 EMACS。因為魚鱗在你周圍飛濺並且你的頭開始痛。當然,他是在暗示,頑固的不僅是 vi,vi 的用戶更甚,他們頑固到拒絕承認他們虐待自己,就像拿冰凍的魚砸自己的頭一樣。
沒過多久,vi 的擁護者們開始回擊,其中一個建議 Menke 把這一行加到他的步驟中去:
在第 1 步之前鍵入 emacs,這樣在第 4 步結束時 emacs 才可能加載完成。
#50 楼 @woaigithub 好吧,感觉没多少人有反应,是我太邪恶,你们太单纯么?来个带图带解释的版本。
unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep.
unzip 解開拉鍊
strip 脫衣服
touch 摸
finger 手指
grep 抓
mount 上馬
fsck S 換成 U 然後去查字典
more 再來
yes 這個....不用解釋吧
fsck X3 同上上上
unmount 下馬
sleep 睡覺