书籍 《Metaprogramming Ruby (2nd edition)》(Ruby 元编程第二版) 发布了!

howiehu · 2014年03月12日 · 最后由 thanatos 回复于 2015年08月06日 · 12071 次阅读

这书不需要介绍了吧……在 N 年后与时俱进的第二版(支持到 Ruby 2.1)终于发布了,虽然现在还是 Beta 的,但是可以持续关注,感兴趣的可以尝鲜。

Metaprogramming Ruby (2nd edition)

March 12, 2014 Today is an auspicious day! Coca-Cola was first bottled and sold on this day in 1894, making later advances in programming possible.

While in your caffeine-induced flurry of productivity, grab a copy of Metaprogramming Ruby, Second Edition (pragprog.com/book/ppmetr2) and imbibe the secrets of wizard-level Ruby, brought down to earth for mere mortals to enjoy and profit.

An auspicious day, indeed.

Metaprogramming Ruby, Second Edition

Dig under the surface and explore Ruby's most advanced feature: a collection of techniques and tricks known as metaprogramming. In this book, you'll learn metaprogramming as an essential component of Ruby and discover the deep, non-obvious details of the language. Once you understand the tenets of Ruby, including the object model, scopes, and singleton classes, you're on your way to applying metaprogramming both in your daily work assignments and in your fun, after-hours projects.

Metaprogramming Ruby, Second Edition makes mastering the language enjoyable. The book is packed with:

Pragmatic examples of metaprogramming in action, many of which come straight from real-life gems such as Rails. Programming challenges that let you experiment and play with some of the most out-there metaprogramming concepts. Metaprogramming "spells"—33 practical recipes and idioms that you can study and apply right now, to write code that is sure to impress. This completely revised new edition covers the new features in Ruby 2.0 and 2.1, and contains code from the latest Ruby libraries, including Rails 4. Most examples are new, "from the wild," with more recent libraries. And the book reflects current ideas of when and how much metaprogramming you should use.

Whether you're a Ruby apprentice on the path to mastering the language or a Ruby wiz in search of new tips, this book is for you.

If you own the first edition: you'll find an upgrade coupon for 35% in your account. Enjoy!

Now in beta at pragprog.com/book/ppmetr2.



刚买了$25, 不算贵 目前是 beta 1.0,估计正式版还得等俩月

#3 楼 @freebird0221 跟第一版区别大吗?我买的中文书,便宜好多啊



#5 楼 @xiaoronglv 国外书都有电子版,多方便,为啥一定要纸质的?

#4 楼 @Peter ruby 从 1.8 到 2.1 的跨度大不大?中文版还是几年前的第一版。

#6 楼 @howiehu


  1. 做了笔记后,复习方便。
  2. 可以前后对照着看。
  3. 习惯了,无法割舍阅读纸质的感觉。

Like +1 个人喜欢电子书

#8 楼 @xiaoronglv 纸质书随版本更新几乎没有……

#8 楼 @xiaoronglv 除了你第 3 点要求外,其余两个电子版都要比你想象的方便! 1、多看客户端做笔记直接保存到 evernote,支持直接划重点,注释,颜色区分等等方式;复习更方便了吧? 2、这个更是电子版所擅长的,只有电子版才能支持全文检索之类的吧?对照时定位某一想不来在哪节的内容,搜索一下就行。


#12 楼 @scriptfans 新书中文版也在进行中?


#11 楼 @fengkuok howiehu





#15 楼 @xiaoronglv 那你看书速度应该是快不了吧?不过营养吸收的应该很好


第一版用户 35% 优惠,果断买。

#21 楼 @ashchan 哪里哪里。。怎没看到这个优惠。。。。。


#18 楼 @fengkuok @AlphaLiu

Ruby 元编程 这本书太难啃了,我看了三遍了,很多知识点还是看不懂。

@xiaoronglv 看不懂会不会是你对 ruby 或 rails 的使用还是熟悉呢! 我目前只看过两次。 第一次是刚接触 ruby 时,那时看它确实弄不清楚,然后就搁置了。 使用一段时间的 rails 以后,就容易看明白的。 但开发过程中,想要灵活的使用它, 可能还需要多看看开源代码或是积累一定的开发经验以后才行吧。

这书真的很好,是我比较喜欢 的一本书。


ps:既然说到了电子书,那么电子书买回来后我可以给人么(物权的转移)? 或者是我可以把我拥有的电子书当成物品再次出售给他人么(物权的转移)? 进一步的讨论,如果是 多看、amazon 之类买回来的电子书的话,我的帐号跟这本书可以成为遗产给人继承么?

#12 楼 @scriptfans 中文 beta 的链接有么。。。

新版的封面真有感觉...很有 ruby meta programming 的味道



CSDN 上有下载,我下载不了,哪位好心人下载了,分享到百度网盘上吧。http://download.csdn.net/detail/feir1109/8204571

#32 楼 @huangdc 有木有下载到啊?我也想看看,如果有麻烦分享一下,谢谢!

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