Choose one and follow it, type out every single line of code. Repeat 3 times.
1st time just type and think; 2nd time try to memorise; 3rd time cover up the code, only read description and try implement by your self.
Upon finish you can go on and start a small project of your own.
if you mean Ruby - the book "Eloquent Ruby" if you mean Rails - the link in #5
How can a stylesheet file has Chinese characters?
It is basically unrelated. Any IT company or department should have sysop(s). It's just some can not afford one.
Given the 2m bandwidth, i would say about 5 concurrent users. Each of them can get an average of .4m (50KB/s) bitstream.
Bandwidth price in China is insane...
no, don't buy it now. The development is stopped. There would only be security updates.
Many innovative email clients will be released in 2013. Checkout
oh sorry, only read the title...
try edit /etc/hosts
公司用还是别折腾了,上 confluence 吧
why do you want to uninstall it? you just set 'rvm --default' then leave it alone.
dhh will probably praise the PO and give each of the following guys a finger...
hmm... the results are far from ideal. For example
can't find this website.
JavaScript is way more complex and difficult than the former two. Learn HTML/CSS first. The link in the sofa seems promising.
4GB memory is OK . 8GB would be better.
1.5GB is definitely not enough.
其实我觉得好好学习下 Java 打打基础也没什么不好的…