@QLeelulu 的点评找不回来了,可惜啊
huacnlee 1 楼,7 天前 @sunfmin 可是自己写框架的哦
ywjno 2 楼,7 天前 不用担心 bate 版的框架,我知道一个 java 写的框架,3 年了到现在还是 bate 版
kgen 3 楼,7 天前 #2 楼 @ywjno 嘿,同学,你键盘上的 a 键和 e 键装反了
lvjian700 4 楼,7 天前 #2 楼 @ywjno 难道你在说 nutz
ywjno 5 楼,7 天前 #4 楼 @lvjian700 还真是 nutz。。。 #3 楼 @kgen 英文不好见笑了。。。
kgen 6 楼,6 天前 #5 楼 @ywjno 开个玩笑,别在意 :-D
zhangjinzhu 7 楼,6 天前 框架不够靠谱。。。需要自己去 hack
原数据不见了,google baidu yahoo 快照都不给力,还要 bing 下面有,如果大家有重要的帖子可以去 bing 试试看
deny 有读 deni 的,应该是 dɪ'naɪ
#6 楼 @help5305fff UNIX 哲学,要不现在开始讨论一下,怎么实现?如何互通?当然不是用户帐号互通这么简单。
不管数据多少,我都是直接用 root 用户把 /var/lib/mysql 里面的数据库文件夹 scp 到新服务器中,再改权限和属主,好像没出过什么问题。
注意我用的是 MyISAM 数据引擎,另外,别覆盖新服务器的文件及文件夹。
#3 楼 @help5305fff 这个方法不错
@kevinhua 楼主既然都要重新开始了,建议把源码放出来,教教我这类初学者,怎么做界面。
@firsthym 如果我只改动一小段代码却要将整个网站重新上传一下,这实在是很笨的方法。
没有实现永久存储是官方说的,所以永久存储的定义也是他们做的。可能是参考了 openshift 的定义吧,openshift 有个目录是有永久存储功能的,直接 ln -s 到网站目录下就可以存 attachments 之类的东西了。
phpfog 就可以用 git, 不知道他们怎么想的。
不支持 git, 不支持永久存储
@Jijin 哇,这么帅的 Markdown!赞!
@Jijin 哇,这么帅的 Markdown!赞!
@Jijin 哇,这么帅的 Markdown!赞!
@Jijin 哇,这么帅的 Markdown!赞!
@Jijin 表格的 Markdown 怎么写的,很漂亮。
30 Day Trial -> TextMate 1.5.11 (r1635) TextMate 2 at GitHub
也就是说老的不变,新版本 2 开源,自己用随便,商用请联系作者
Today I am happy to announce that you can find the source for TextMate 2 on GitHub.
I’ve always wanted to allow end-users to tinker with their environment, my ability to do this is what got me excited about programming in the first place, and it is why I created the bundles concept, but there are limits to how much a bundle can do, and with the still growing user base, I think the best move forward is to open source the program.
The choice of license is GPL 3. This is partly to avoid a closed source fork and partly because the hacker in me wants all software to be free (as in speech), so in a time where our platform vendor is taking steps to limit our freedom, this is my small attempt of countering such trend.
I am also a pragmatist and realize that parts of the TextMate code base is useful for other (non-free) applications, so I may later move to a less restrictive license, as is currently the case with the bundles. For now, please get in touch with us if there are subsets of the code base you wish to use for non-free software, and we might be able to work something out.
Anything related to the code base, including contributions, can be discussed at the textmate-dev list or ##textmate on freenode.net. Pull requests can be sent via GitHub but if you plan to make larger changes, it might be good to discuss them first if you want to ensure that we are interested in accepting a pull request for such change or simply want advice on how to go about it.
怎么主页没有变化,还是写着 30 天试用
JewelryBox + 1
Otcopress + heroku = http://blog.neten.de