Hi,大家好!本周末有幸遇到 Passenger 的作者 Hongli Lai 来北京休假,期间邀请他做一次技术分享。
Hongli Lai(中文名:赖洪礼)有超过十年的开源软件的开发经验,开源软件领域知名程序员。
Passenger 是 Rails 领域著名服务器开源软件,Hongli 是负责该开源软件的主要作者。 这次,他将在北京停留四天(五月二十八号~五月三十一号),也希望和大家能够有机会近距离交流。
第一场: 演讲主题:美国 RailsConf 2016 见闻 演讲人:潘旻琦 @psvr
演讲主题:Redefining Passenger's vision 演讲人:Hongli Lai 摘要: Passenger's original goal was to make Ruby deployment easy, but the ecosystem has changed quite a lot since Passenger was first released. There is now Docker, microservices, devops, more and more cloud services, more and more languages. I will revise Passenger's vision in light of the current ecosystem, and explains how Passenger will fit in all of this and how Passenger brings value.
演讲主题:Passenger architecture, C++/Ruby integration and arcane optimisation tricks 演讲人:Hongli Lai 摘要: I will explain how Passenger is architected, how it supports multiple programming languages, why some things are designed this way, how Passenger integrates with Ruby. I will also talk about some optimization tricks not previously talked about, and future optimization tricks that I may use.
时间:2016 年 5 月 29 日下午 14:00 ~ 17:00 地点:北京市海淀区中关村大街 11 号亿世界财富中心 A 座 B2 联合创业办公社
P.S. Hongli 祖籍广州,能听的懂中文,会讲简单的普通话。:)
第一部分: 包括两场演讲: 一、美国 RailsConf 2016 见闻 讲者:潘旻琦 二、Redefining Passenger's vision 讲者:Hongli Lai 观看地址:优酷
第二部分: 包括一场演讲: Passenger architecture, C++/Ruby integration and arcane optimisation tricks 讲者:Hongli Lai 观看地址:优酷