RubyConf RubyConfChina 大会临近,感谢 Groupon 作为白金赞助商赞助本次大会

lgn21st · 2013年10月10日 · 最后由 krazy 回复于 2013年10月14日 · 3669 次阅读

距离 2013 年 RubyConfChina 大会开幕倒数 15 天,我们各项准备工作进入到最紧张的阶段,除了多位重量级讲师之外,我们为大家准备了三场非常 High 的 After Party,以及丰厚的奖品,纪念品。具体消息我们将在未来的几天内陆续发布出来。



作为大会的主办方负责人之一,我想借此机会感谢一下大会的白金赞助商 Groupon,Groupon 很早跟 RubyChina 合作,曾经在社区开展一系列招聘活动,并招募到一批优秀的开发人员,所以 Groupon 决定通过赞助本次年度大会成为白金赞助商的方式回报我们,回报社区,我们相信随着 Groupon 和社区的共同发展,将来会给大家提供更多的工作机会,以及更多的回报大家。

本次 Groupon 共派出两位讲师,一位是大家非常熟悉的 @luikore (吕戈),给大家带来一个关于 How To Build A Sync-Like Async Web Server 的主题分享:

What is an HTTP server? How many protocol specifications are involved in Rack? Why event rocks or sucks? Do you know the design of digital circuits decides your code style? How scheduling scheme affects server performance? Does Ruby forbids or offers concurrency? Will the todays approaches for performance become in vain when hardware evolves? You may not get the answers in this talk because... it's about building a web server.

Goupon 的第二位讲师 @doitian 将为大家带来一个主题为 Migration to JRuby: what we learned 的主题分享,这个分享将为大家澄清对最近 Groupon 已经弃用 Ruby 的误解。

There are tons of online resource about JRuby: what it is good at and how to use it. But very few tells you what it takes to migrate an existing service, especially a mission critical one, to JRuby. In this talk, we will share our experience of migrating an HA (high availability) payment service that processes millions of transactions to JRuby in a totally transparent way to our clients: what challenges we ran into and what our solutions are.

如果大家对 Groupon 感兴趣,想要了解如何申请 Groupon 的技术职位,不妨参与本次大会,亲自接触 Groupon 的国内团队,有机会跟来自美国的 Groupon 技术负责人面对面沟通。

Groupon 的招聘贴

About Groupon

Groupon is a global leader in local commerce, making it easy for people around the world to search and discover great businesses at unbeatable prices. Groupon is reinventing the traditional small business world by providing merchants with a suite of products and services, including customizable deals, payments processing capabilities and point-of-sale solutions to help them attract more customers and run their operations more effectively. By leveraging the company's global relationships and scale, Groupon offers consumers incredible deals on the best stuff to eat, see, do, and buy in 48 countries.


@lgn21st 英文演讲有同步翻译么?看主页没看到相关介绍

#2 楼 @Victor 因为对方非常繁忙,来不及提交主题信息给我,不过 Groupon 那边承诺在本周内更新另外一个主题演讲的信息。

今天 Groupon 刚宣布去 Rails 化。。

好像服务层从 ror 切到 node 去了吧。挺好奇原来的 ror 团队现在是怎么和 node 层合作开发的?


#6 楼 @Rei 有的,这次我们跟 infoQ 合作,大会录像由 infoQ 来完成。

嗯... 这里用什么的都有,例如 clojure

#9 楼 @luikore topic 很感兴趣。

#7 楼 @lgn21st infoQ 的视频质量跟 railscasts-china 比起来就是渣渣

#9 楼 @luikore 没有 APL 吧...

update 了来自 Groupon 的第二个主题分享

Goupon 的第二位讲师 @doitian 将为大家带来一个主题为 Migration to JRuby: what we learned 的主题分享,这个分享将为大家澄清对最近 Groupon 已经弃用 Ruby 的误解。

There are tons of online resource about JRuby: what it is good at and how to use it. But very few tells you what it takes to migrate an existing service, especially a mission critical one, to JRuby. In this talk, we will share our experience of migrating an HA (high availability) payment service that processes millions of transactions to JRuby in a totally transparent way to our clients: what challenges we ran into and what our solutions are.

我觉得标题需要每天更新一下 =。=

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