简历贴过来可能容易格式乱...所以只好贴地址了: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nHPBgZknksOzyVTSN4l-PdAeOyFVv6DgYofyaJGzflE/edit?usp=sharing
最后是去了淘宝的一个数据部门,跟@朴灵,@苏千 他们一起工作。
#13 楼 @alsotang 如果愿意来上海的话 可以尝试我们公司哦,虽然最近不知道还有没有名额了
About Us
VMware is the world leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure solutions. We empower our 400,000 customers by simplifying, automating, and transforming the way they build, deliver, and consume IT. We are a passionate and innovative group of people, comprised of thousands of top-notch computer scientists and software engineers spread across the world.
VMware Shanghai
Our Shanghai office is located in the Yangpu District, near Fudan University. We’ve recruited the smartest and most talented engineers from around China, with representation from notable universities like Fudan and Nanjing, and alumni from companies like Tudou.com, Microsoft, and EMC. Together, we’re working on CloudFoundry, the world’s first open-source platform-as-a-service (PAAS).
Job Description:
BS/MS in Computer Science preferred, or equivalent experience
Fluency across a range of programming languages, comfortable picking up new languages quickly.
Knowledge of an object-oriented coding language such as Ruby, Java and modern web application framework like Ruby on Rails, Spring, etc.
Knowledge of VMware platforms is a plus
Good communication skills in English
只能说没有两把刷子,都不会随便出来晒呀。 简历很精彩,这份简历投递到招聘版上任何一家公司,面试能发挥你简历上描述的水平,拿 Offer 应该问题不大,关键是价格能不能谈拢的问题了。
#55 楼 @andor_chen 相对同龄人来说,真的敢这么说。
#58 楼 @zzhattzzh 可能是因为之前被一家创业公司拒了之后,有点挫败吧....不过到了社区这里,发现还是有蛮多机会可以选择的,倒也柳暗花明又一村了。:)