#9 楼 @darkbaby123 深得我心 :plus1:
:plus1: 健身设施还是挺全的
es6 不是挺好的么?
#3 楼 @happyming9527 rubyweekly 有一篇文章是专门介绍缓存的,写的非常好。其中一部分也是介绍到了 redis 和 memcached 的优缺点。 http://www.nateberkopec.com/2015/07/15/the-complete-guide-to-rails-caching.html?utm_source=rubyweekly&utm_medium=email#memcache-and-dalli
redis 对比 memcached memcached 缺点:
Cache values are limited to 1MB. In addition, cache keys are limited to 250 bytes.
redis 的优点:
Allows different eviction policies beyond LRU Redis allows you to select your own eviction policies, which gives you much more control over what to do when the cache store is full. For a full explanation of how to choose between these policies, check out the excellent Redis documentation.
redis 支持的数据结构类型非常丰富,而且支持多种缓存的失效策略。
Can persist to disk, allowing hot restarts Redis can write to disk, unlike Memcache. This allows Redis to write the DB to disk, restart, and then come back up after reloading the persisted DB. No more empty caches after restarting your cache store!
支持持久化操作,可以进行日志 aof 及 rdb 数据持久化到磁盘。
@psvr 区块链 blockchain
@42thcoder 肯定要去
#3 楼 @xieyunzi http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysql-use-result.html
After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so forth). You must also call mysql_free_result() after you are done with the result set.
MySql 在的mysql_query
mysql_use_result() initiates a result set retrieval but does not actually read the result set into the client like mysql_store_result() does. Instead, each row must be retrieved individually by making calls to mysql_fetch_row(). This reads the result of a query directly from the server without storing it in a temporary table or local buffer, which is somewhat faster and uses much less memory than mysql_store_result().
另外一篇文章: http://marksverbiage.blogspot.com/2010/04/streaming-data-from-mysql.html
Unfortunately, this does not do streaming in most cases. Normally most client libraries (which call mysql_store_result) will read the entire result into memory, and you're just going through an already-in-memory data set. This will fail if it doesn't fit in memory. Enter mysql_use_result - if your library can use this instead of mysql_store_result, you can then skip through the records without needing to keep them all in ram at once.
如果一个人在 2000 年 2 月 29 日出生,到了 2001 年 2 月 28 日,算几岁几月几天?
#32 楼 @blackanger 视频也看过了,多线程的处理也是很难的,完全解决会是个漫长的过程。不过就语言发展来看,近几年来 Ruby 更新速度还是非常乐观的。
Points 1 and 2 are unarguably correct. Rails isn't hot any more and is not evolving at the pace it used to be. But this isn't a bad thing. It's a sign that Rails has matured, it's now an adult framework and not the spotty teenager who grows taller by an inch every month.
Paweł Nowak9
I think you are agreeing with Jared even if you don't know it. The main point in Jared's blog post is that being a hotness, being the first, was everything that Rails had going for it. The performance issues always existed with Ruby, the architectural issues in Rails have been extensively discussed for years at this point. The only thing that kept Rails ahead of everyone else was the fact there was nothing quite like it, it was literally years ahead of everything else. However, times are changing. There are many alternatives out there as good as Rails, others innovating more than Rails, and many of them in better VMs and runtimes than Ruby (disclaimer: I don't consider Node.JS better than Ruby). Seriously, in the last 10 years, things changed dramatically, from the number of CPUs to web development itself. Ruby is horribly delayed in the concurrency game. Rails is playing catch up with Action Cable, APIs, ES6 and others when compared to alternatives in Clojure, Go and Elixir, like Phoenix. So when you agree Rails is becoming stable, you are agreeing that Rails lost its main competitive advantage. At this point, you should be considering and evaluating other alternatives. It doesn't mean you'll necessarily replace Rails, but for your own sake, you should be looking at them.
Fred Heath
Hi Pawel. Yes, there are many alternatives out there as good as Rails, or may be even better. But Jared's first argument is that we should switch because these frameworks have more rising mind-share and will cover our needs better in 3 years time. My argument is that if you're a start-up and you worry about which tech you should be using 3 years down the line then you're either extremely confident or extremely naive and neither is a good thing. Rails is a proven start-up bootstrapper and until something comes that blows it out of the water, switching would be an un-necessary risk. Jared's second argument is that we should switch because Ruby is slow. I have hopefully shown that this is largely irrelevant. In most Rails apps I've worked on, latency is 90% of the time caused by some db transaction or some external service call, not by Ruby itself. If you need something like parallel processing of massive data sets then you wouldn't be using Rails in the first place, so I find this to be a moot point. Same with concurrency. I am very familiar with concurrency and its issues, but since I've been using Ruby I never had to worry about it because I didn't need to. For web apps I let the web/app server stress about it. For non-web apps I get by with forking processes and avoiding shared resources or using Redis or a queue. It's seriously never been an issue. For the record, I am evaluating other alternatives, namely Elixir and Phoenix. But these are a complement to Rails, not a replacement. Rails will be my default choice for building something quickly, unless there is a specific need for elixir's performance. YAGNI.
Why is ruby so slow? Some people will point to language design characteristics, which are part of the story, but I think the deeper reason is that ruby does not have a serious corporate sponsor.
martini 好像也没怎么维护了
git checkout <commit> <file>
是暂存区吧?你用git diff
看下就知道了。只有用git diff --cached
git checkout HEAD file