exercise and practice
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Grafana Operator creates and manages Grafana deployments on Kubernetes.
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Sidecar container that watches Kubernetes Snapshot CRD objects and triggers CreateSnapshot/Delete...
A sample (non-production) CSI Driver that creates a local directory as a volume on a single node
Run MySQL in Kubernetes
🔑 Kubernetes Authentication WebHook Server
#11 楼 @luming 看了下。这个教程很赞哎。
@lhy20062008 @chenjau @qinfanpeng @pathbox @mizuhashi @nouse 谢谢,决定先写好 tests。
[email protected]
#4 楼 @jasl 通宵看怎么解决疲劳问题?
赞赞赞!有健身房什么的太赞了。新手要么?ruby 和 rails 不到一年。关注流利说好久了。。