你不看语法书啊,语法书里写了的啊,最一般的改法就是,He -> They, Him -> Them
...... 这个吧,像这种常见的“he who is not a...”突然改成复数,对句子改动略大... 改成 the individual / the person 改动要小很多
PS: fanperson 可用... PPS: 真要认真的话..." does not understand OO" 是错的...要改成 OOP, 不然的话 does not understand Object-oriented... what? OO Design? OO Modeling? OO Database? PPPS: 改为 they 的话,is->are,而且要删掉 a/an,而且 fanperson->fanpeople or fanpersons(嗯,这么用也成,非要政治正确的话),而且 does->do(对句子改动略大啊...) PPPPS: no offense 以上内容纯属无聊...(不吐槽不快乐星人)...
PPPPPS: 我去发 pull request,把 *nix 的 man 改掉~~ ^_^
用 user, one, the person, the individual 不都好嘛,为啥要用 them...
The one who is not an Erlang fan, does not understand OOP.