Search result of: --no-ri
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no-internet vacation (my first in 3 years). Android beta will come right after. :-) From
RincGC 缩短了 GC 的停顿时间。 关于作者:Koichi Sasada 和 Nobu,Matz 一起为 Heroku 工作 同时也是 C Ruby
Note that calling new does not imply it's actually a "new" value - it just creates a mapping between that Ruby object and the corresponding Redis data structure, which may already exist on the redis
近期觉得 Rails asset 不是那么顺畅,又刚好弄了一下 Yarn,故整合了一下。以下是我的 原文 :) Background As the rise of Javascript
rich, but code is more less. coverage from zero to 88%, Some new project (Getui message pusher) test coverage is 97%. Update graphQL ruby to 1.8x, rewrite all interface with new usage. Hack GraphiQL
right with Chinese neer URL Failure/Error: expect(helper.markdown('此版本并非线上的http://yavaeye.com的源码.')).to eq( ' 此版本并非线上的 的源码. ' ) expected: " 此版本并非线上的nofollow
我在学 Ruby on Rails Tutorial,之前的程序都已经部署到 heroku 上去了,可是今天完成第八章的代码要进行部署,却部署不上去了,和之前部署的时间隔了有一个多月了。提示如下问题: ssh: connect to
Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) doc.xpath("//div[@class='topics']/div").each do |_line| topic_class = _line['class'] right
risk: you are vulnerable to "SQL injection" attacks wherein unwanted SQL commands are fed to your database. Note
nonblock without raising exceptions IO ignores internal encoding if external encoding is ASCII-8BIT #include and #prepend now public Module/Class #singleton_class? Module#ancestors more consistent Object#singleton_method Method#original_name Mutex#owned? Hash
DHH 的一篇新文章,直接挂原址: Ruby has been fast enough for 13 years So forgive me if
note] 变化越频繁、使用范围越广,更应放到全局性的地方,甚至是配置文件;使用范围、变化越少,则可就近放置(比如当前文件顶部?) [/note] [slide] 字符串字面量与魔法数的异同? const shipping = function (order) { return Math.min(100, basePrice(order) * 0.1) } determineLegendAlignment(model, ['top', 'topCenter']) determineLegendAlignment(model, ['left', 'leftMiddle']) determineLegendAlignment(model, ['right
错误如下: RuntimeError in ProductsController#show command failed: "/home/que/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/bin/wkhtmltopdf" "--page-size" "Letter" "--margin-top" "0.75in
right way and is a place where engineers love to work. Our architecture is rooted in Ruby/Rails, with healthy doses of Javascript (jquery, node.js
ridk exec pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-sqlite3 gem inst sqlite3 platform=ruby 9、安装 nodejs
rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'monitor' module Kernel RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR = # :nodoc
报错信息如下: Failed to Install Gems. Following gems were not installed: /Applications/ Error installing ruby-debug-ide-0.6.1.beta2.gem: ERROR
right candidate, we're flexible. You're still worried? Here are some things that we'd prefer to see, though none
从 stackexchange 上看到的一个回复 by Andrew Hacking,随手分享下: In my own experience with Bootstrap and simple
sudo gem install httpclient Successfully installed httpclient-2.2.5 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for
ri GC 但是,我在命令行中敲击后并没有得到预想的结果,而是给出了 “Nothing known about GC”。 我在网上查了方法,需要安装 rdoc-data, 我就 gem 下载并安装
ribute.rb:104:in `type_cast': undefined method `type_cast_from_database' for "VA RCHAR2(20)":String (NoMethodError
Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type
nokogiri' ➜ test gem install irosi Fetching: irosi-0.0.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed irosi-0.0.1 Parsing documentation for irosi-0.0.1 Installing ri documentation
nothing. The developers of the language don't need to work on two parallel implementations, new features can be introduced and used in the language right
前言 国庆在回家的路上,得知了vue2发布了正式版, 国庆回来后,在公司内两个项目便直接应用上了vue2, 一个是PC端的商户后台,一个是微信端商城, 都是基于Vue2、vue-router、vuex ...... 在开发的过程中,遇到了一系列的问题, 比如页面后退数据还原,滚动条还原
环境:Centos6.3 + Apache2 + Passenger 我创建了一个 web 用户,并赋予 sudo 权限后,搭建好环境都很顺利,第一个 rails 应用也很顺利的跑起来了,但部署的时候遇到了麻烦
nokogiri-1.16.0-arm64-darwin.gem Fetching zeitwerk-2.6.12.gem Fetching racc-1.7.3.gem Fetching rack-3.0.8.gem ... 41 gems installed A new release of RubyGems is available: 3.4.10 → 3.5.3! Run `gem update --system 3.5.3` to update your installation. 装好了,巴适,看看版本,gem 太旧了,更新一下
昨晚(其实是凌晨四五点的时候),写了篇博文。 在 Hacker News 上重新提交了一下,大家帮忙来投一票吧,谢谢哈 附贴全文: TL;DR