招聘 [远程] Senior Ruby on Rails Developer for US-based Start Up

tylerlong · 2013年04月13日 · 最后由 tylerlong 回复于 2013年04月16日 · 3932 次阅读

下面这个招聘贴 @inSeek 经发过两次了。大家反应不强烈,应聘的人不是很多。

我已经入伙了。我觉得是比较靠谱的。氛围比较宽松,每个人都有发言权和决策权。可以按照自己的想法去做产品。远程上班,不需要去办公室。没有时间表,不需要打卡或签到。自己监督自己,没有人给你任何硬性的规定。按月发工资 (薪资有竞争力), 有股票期权。


About Us:

We are a young start-up company building an innovative shopping-centric community & comparison tool for consumers. Our product will help millions of users around the world find, discover, and share information about products in a very unique way. Some of the challenges are highly algorithmic, such as coming up with ways to crawl, organize, and categorize the information effectively so that users can efficiently find what they need; others are very technical, such as working to make a web application that is complex while still being very fast; and many of the challenges are in product design, such as figuring out a way to set up and grow a healthy community and constructing intuitive interfaces for users.

We work asynchronously and spend considerable time and energy in finding the best people no matter where they are in the world. We have a very diverse and international team. Our company is based in beautiful Miami, FL and is well funded.

We are committed to building a cutting-edge technology company that develops software the right way and is a place where engineers love to work. Our architecture is rooted in Ruby/Rails, with healthy doses of Javascript (jquery, node.js) We use Amazon Web Services like EC2, and S3. We want to build a fantastically strong engineering team and every engineers that joins us should set the tone for that.

About You: • B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Computer Science or equivalent • The number of years of professional experience you have isn't as important to us as what you have actually done • Proficient in written and conversational English • You should be ready to make this startup the primary focus of your life • You are passionate about building products for a global audience • Flexible to travel to meet with our U.S team in Miami if needed • Operate as a member of our agile development team • Work independently in a sort of Open Source mentality • Pair program with other top notch rails engineers, developing across the full stack of functionality from database to front end • Build full stack automation tests to ensure that the shipped product is as solid and reliable. • Rails Ecosystem (Grails, Groovy, Scala, Erlang—nice to have) • Familiarity with cloud based deployments • Database experience • Experience with Search engine technologies a plus

In the short run, the most important thing is to release our next version of the product, and so it is critical that you can immediately make big contributions to our complex web-based application. In addition to working with us in writing the software, the ideal candidate should be proficient outside the technical realm--making good product decisions, providing our design team with ideas in designing user interfaces that are both pretty and functional, being an effective marketer and recruiter of other team members, and being capable of handling anything else that comes up. Your role on this company will be more of a "co-founder role" and not a simple Engineering role, so you should also be fearless and broad inside the technical realm.

You will be required to make good decisions about important things without much oversight. You should be comfortable with autonomy and ownership of large areas of product and infrastructure. It's a plus if you have worked on projects in your spare time, such as programming games in middle school or high school. An ideal candidate will have the potential to grow into a strong leadership role over time--in either a technical or management capacity (i.e. eventually a V.P of Engineering or Equivalent.)

Benefits: • Two-tiered salary structure that includes additional compensation if working outside of your country at our meet-ups or main office • Multi-cultural work environment, work and meet people from around the world. • Attractive Stock Options packages • Agile team. Get things done faster • Work on your own time, and your desired schedule, from your desired location • Travel around the world for our occasional meet ups

We think we are working on something that is very important and that lots of people will use every day. If you're interested, Apply here:

纯支持你一下,要求 written English 我还凑合,conversational English 只能败退……

匿名 #1 2013年04月13日


#2 楼 @hello_little_yy 远程办公,无地点要求。目前团队成员分布在世界各地的 5 个城市。

招聘帖子反响不强烈原因可能出在帖子本身,你试试看把招聘贴翻译成中文试试看嘛? 虽然此贴面向高手,但是高手一般不愁工作,所以看到英文招聘贴不仔细看直接跳过是正常的。

匿名 #4 2013年04月13日

#3 楼 @tylerlong #4 楼 @lgn21st 另外一个原因是人家只信任 IBM,oracle,MS,google 等国际知名互联网公司的人员…… 据我所知的,这个招聘的项目,虽然和美国佬打交道比较顺利也,但是人家还是很看重门面的。

这洋文是洋人写的,就是给洋人看的,鬼子鬼,在参考人种和国力因素之上,只认 tops,和闪光之处,@tylerlong 应该写,洋人钱多宽容,不会也没事,自学 3 个月,工资照发,都不好意思 fire 恁,还得报销书费。

#4 楼 @lgn21st 有这方面因素。英文,并且很长。并不是英文水平不够,而是没有耐心看完. @oth @hello_little_yy 招聘和面试是由 CEO 亲自进行的。具体他喜欢什么样的人我也不清楚。我是这么认为的:得能用英文口头交流 (否则他怎么面试你); 有一定的经验和成功案例 (创业公司,时间很重要,从头培养一个新手,不太现实.)


@fsward 学英语和去公司学不冲突

#9 楼 @xds2000 关键是面试时候交流起来可能会有麻烦....


#11 楼 @chentianwen 起步阶段,尚未上线。

sounds interesting

@tylerlong 想知道公司工作文化如何?working hard or working smart?还有平时小组怎么交流?有用任何 agile framework 么,例如 scrum?

#14 楼 @chentianwen 说真的,我也刚进来没多久。因为项目很新成员很少,所以文化就取决于自己。你要真感兴趣,建议你直接跟 CEO 聊聊。

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