#1 楼 @sforce100 马上过去啦
timeout 180
webhook + hook system 关于这块,技术总监想要统一使用 jenkins,我在 gitlab ci 和 gitlab runner 的路上走着
sublime,再加些插件 The Sublime Text package manager
入 3 张先,再喊公司其他童鞋去,社区太棒了,你们太棒了。
哈哈,应该去 macx 或者 weiphone,v2ex 发帖,ruby china 比较少二手交易
建议让他了解 ruby,rails,git,在他本地能跑 project,写页面,改效果,我们有前端是酱紫
#7 楼 @boyishwei 哈哈,伟桑你们现在是酱紫吗
@dawn725 建议 JD 改成下面的
* Work closely with the client side programmer team to analyze app features and plan how to implement them with a scalable server system.
* Develop Python/Ruby/Node.js/PHP code that runs as part of our existing server infrastructure and includes the following aspects: scalability, robustness, security, operations, documentation, and maintenance.
* Develop Java code that runs on mobile clients and includes the following aspects: performance, robustness, documentation, and maintenance.
* Provide any needed direction, guidance, assistance, and feedback to the app team related to client-server development.
* Research coding techniques and algorithms. Keep current with technological developments and advancements in creating scalable app servers.
* Review competing products from a technical perspective.
**Required Skills and Experience:**
* High-scale, high-performance, and high-availability server development
* Comfortable moving between front-end and back-end roles
* Proficient with Python/Ruby/Node.js/PHP
* Java experience, Spring is a plus
* Strong AWS experience
* Relational databases and NoSQL persistence
* Be a proactive problem-solver with a team-centric attitude
* Hold a positive attitude and have the ability to take direction and receive criticism
Network programming and non-blocking IO
oneapm 的rails girl 主题页 做得不错,没有炒段子,不过还在和 new relic 对比
#9 楼 @boyishwei 多谢伟桑
上个周末发了次,boss 不满意,那就用这个版吧 ಥ_ಥ
我们的图片请求比较多,选择了 lua_nginx,初衷是这种图片请求不涉及数据查询,不需要 rails 服务处理。
@tiseheaini 图片更新后,旧生成图的删除需要考虑,免得产品狗来找你
哈哈,现磨咖啡,I like it。