Google 能搜到也不能说人家是抄的啊:-) 有一次发简历,然后对方用 gtalk 面试,出了一个小题目,很快写完了发过去,然后他说我抄的,因为他用 google 搜索到了,然后把链接发来,一看,他搜到的是我自己的博客里的内容..........
只要不是 pre release 版本都算稳定版,现在 bundler 发布的版本是 1.1.3,官网上面的那个 comming soon 是说文档吧
汗,骚扰客服 MM 去吧!
#7 楼 @night_song 先是放到了回收站里,如果从回收站里删除了是真删。
#15 楼 @night_song 哇 放大招了。。
#8 楼 @donnior 用 activerecord 的话 id 不用 to_i
明显是你的代码问题。sql 语句!
Fast, as in Objective-C
Ruby has a reputation of being a slow language, due to problems in its historical implementation. Make no mistake, RubyMotion is not slow. Quite the contrary.
RubyMotion compiles Ruby and activates a load of performance optimizations, such as inline method caching, immediate fixed and floating numeric types, zero-cost exceptions, promotion of variables into CPU registers, cached constant lookups, tail-call optimization, dead code elimination, and many more.
RubyMotion makes Ruby as fast as Objective-C, if not faster in certain cases. RubyMotion apps start as fast as Objective-C ones and use the same amount of memory.
Your app will be so fast your fingers will be delighted.
而且开发流程和 Rails 相似。
还以为是“老 B”的意思呢。。。。。。。。。。。。囧 rz
laobi 是什么?