怀念_why 先生——whytheluckystiff
完了以后很感慨关于 Ruby 竟然还有这么个传奇人物,兴趣大增
_why's Estate: welcome to my collection of why the lucky stiff links.
http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2012/03/ruby_ruby_on_rails_and__why_the_disappearance_of_one_of_the_world_s_most_beloved_computer_programmers_.html 今天看到新闻上提到名字,文章很长前面给了段视频.. 我还想怎么还有视频呐 然后搜 Wiki, 发现居然给了名字
Jonathan Gillette, best known by his nom de plume why the lucky stiff, is a prolific writer, cartoonist, musician, artist, and computer programmer notable for his work with the Ruby programming language.
翻历史记录,名字是从这个版本开始用的14:00, 15 March 2012
小弟英文不够,资料多了乱了.. 求英文达人梳理