url 写错了? # => ?
1.9.3p194 :032 > a = {:a => 1}
=> {:a=>1}
1.9.3p194 :033 > a[:b] = a
=> {:a=>1, :b=>{...}}
1.9.3p194 :034 > a[:b]
=> {:a=>1, :b=>{...}}
1.9.3p194 :035 > a[:b][:b]
=> {:a=>1, :b=>{...}}
1.9.3p194 :036 > a[:b][:b][:b]
=> {:a=>1, :b=>{...}}
这是递归数组,在表示 Directed graph 的时候很直观:
#56 楼 @hellojane96 好哇!
有的。。根据图片的宽高自动给 image 标签加宽高 据说这也可以有前端性能优化的作用
搞个 rails on mruby 吧
#46 楼 @hellojane96 大把单身姑娘都不给我介绍一个........
你的代码怎么写的啊 这么谁能猜出来问题在哪
@mvj3 最左边穿一身黑的是你么?好像冯唐呀。。
据说 chef 是第二代 puppet 啊
没用过,不过看 changlog,thin 是可以平滑重启的啊
== 0.6.2 Rambo release
* Server now let current connections finish before stopping, fixes #18
* Fix uploading hanging bug when body is moved to a tempfile,
also delete the tempfile properly upon completion, fixes #25
* 'thin restart' now sends HUP signals rather then stopping & starting, closes #17
* HUP signal now launches a new process with the same options.
== 1.4.0 Chromeo
* kill -USR1 $PID for log rotation [catwell].
* Fix HUP signal being reseted after deamonization [atotic].
* Fix error with nil addresses in Connection#socket_address.