Ruby Programming Ruby (3rd) 的一段翻译,请指教

touch · 2012年07月23日 · 最后由 serco 回复于 2012年09月11日 · 3298 次阅读

Chapter 5 的第二段

We’ve already seen how classes help. All the methods in a class are automatically accessible to instances of that class. But there are other, more general types of sharing that we want to do. Maybe we’re dealing with an application that ships goods. Many forms of shipping are available, but all forms share some basic functionality (weight calculation, perhaps). We don’t want to duplicate the code that implements this functionality across the implementation of each shipping type. Or maybe we have a more generic capability that we want to inject into a number of different classes. For example, an online store may need the ability to calculate sales tax for carts, orders, quotes, and so on. Again, we don’t want to duplicate the sales tax code in each of these places.



#1 楼 @touch 这本书在哪里可以下载?


#2 楼 @chairy11 搜索关键字 + pdf 就有,当然,官网有付费正版

#3 楼 @skandhas 啥时候出版遥遥无期啊,很多和 2 版一样,我想试着翻译重写的章节

#4 楼 @touch 已经下载了,谢谢

#1 楼 @touch 我只能看个略懂,翻译真的很难:-)

#7 楼 @hooopo 同感,而且我觉得有些地方翻译不够准确,所以拿到这里请大家帮忙修正的


But there are other, more general types of sharing that we want to do. 这句是不是翻译成:除此之外,我们还需要更通用的共享(代码)的方式。

其实我觉得技术翻译需要尽量避开使用“方法”、“类型”等专有名词来指代其他的普通语义,不然很容易造成误解。比方这里的 capability => 方法。

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