p Mm.ancestors
除夕夜,心疼你 1s。 是的,服务器上,开发时可以 ngrok,frp 等打洞技术转发。微信的要求更高,还得是备案域名。
我记得 twitter 不支持 localhost,github 才支持。
一直以为 redis 默认是127.0.0.1
国内的 ueditor 用的多,也比较符合国内编辑使用。
如果没有群聊,ejabberd 是我的首选,微信类似的群聊用 ejabberd 实现起来反而麻烦。
给下行号吧,都不知道 30,28 是哪一行。
技能多开,确实是 ruby 程序员需要的。这里推荐一下,想深入网络编程的,可以实现一个 surge for mac with enhanse mode,囊括了网络层以及网络层以上的大部分常用协议和知识点。
居然不看第一个,https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/27381 似乎是一个比较麻烦的问题,看最后一个 comment。
awesome_nested_set 就可以,但 100 万级有点儿崩。
感觉问题主要在数据传输上,没好的 idea,如果有更好的压缩算法且客户支持,加个 tunnel client -> tcptun_or_kcptun ------------ tcptun_or_kcptun -> server 如果压缩比大,中间的开销可以忽略不计了。
#2 楼 @tablecell 你可以查一查怎么实现 pipe,然后就可以理解了。
我记得论坛有人问过,搜索下。大概记得是 method missing 触发后查找实例方法,具体可以去追踪下源码。
这几天都在用 go on OSX,网络程序轮子好多,秒杀一大片。除了开始不理解 GOPATH 用来干嘛,go build go install go get
傻傻分不清,后面的配置都啥没问题。why GOPATH
The goal of the GOPATH is to centralize all packages into one common workspace. It is not really a new concept by itself (think of the java classpath for example), but Go use in a drastically simple way by not supporting packages versionning. The Go programmer isn't suposed to set GOPATH manually when entering a new project folder. Each project folder is supposed to be a package by itself, and reside in the GOPATH along other packages, so GOPATH should be set only once. Tutorials begin by setting the GOPATH in order to isolate the tutorial workspace from anything other. GOROOT is set to provide the standard packages to the Go programmer, you don't need to do anything with it. To put it short, there is a single rule for GOROOT: never, ever, touch it. Don't install anything in it, don't modify standard packages, etc. I'm not aware of a tool to detect go projects in the current directory, but it shouldn't be highly complex to create. How you handle differents projects is up to you. The go way to do it is to put every project as a package in the $GOPATH/src dir and do everything from there. As I don't really like it, I defined my GOPATH to be $HOME/.go. Then I put each project in a dedicated directory somewhere else (anywhere in my computer), and symlink the project directory into my $GOPATH/src dir. I can then use every command compile as nothing, use the project as package for another one, etc.
还有一些像 https://www.v2ex.comtab网站的点击 Apple 怎么出现https://www.v2ex.com/?tab=apple这样的结果
你得学下网页开发,不要求会写,但基本的得知道。URL baike
query 查询,可选,用于给动态网页(如使用 CGI、ISAPI、PHP/JSP/ASP/ASP.NET 等技术制作的网页)传递参数,可有多个参数,用“&”符号隔开,每个参数的名和值用“=”符号隔开。
Meaning of “Expected string default value for …” on Ruby on Rails
gem 'thor', '0.19.1'
# bundle update thor
新版 thor 锅不少。😄。use Thor option parser in server commands parse