最近做 Ruby on Rails Tutorial 的教程,裡面有這樣的範例:
$ rspec spec/requests/user_pages_spec.rb -e "signup page"
書中的說明: The -e here arranges to run just the examples whose description strings match "signup page". Note in particular that this is not the substring "signup", which would run all the test
另外找到 Stackoverflow 上也有一篇:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6518425/test-only-one-it-or-describe-with-rspec
還沒在 Stackoverflow 問過問題(因為我的問題多半都搜尋得到答案,應該是我還太弱),常看到有兩種狀況被 down vote:
What have you tried?
如果要在 Visual Studio 模擬 Vim,VsVim 這個 extension 不錯
在 stackoverflow 找到一個解答:http://stackoverflow.com/a/13710765/1008230
$('.forward').click(function() {
if ($(".box").filter(':animated').length > 0) {
return false;
$('.box').animate({left: '+=80px'});
是利用 :animated