#4 楼 @xmonkeycn 你得用 safari 才能看到我的回復
其实我觉得 rubyist 要想多了解一门语言应该最后考虑 python ……
No picture you say a xxx
Mac 好辦,刪掉 ~/.rvm,然後從 Time Machine 裏面恢復你升級之前的 ~/.rvm 目錄。 千萬別告訴我你沒開 Time Machine ...
獨立事件獨立概率.... 純 random 即可
在 HN 基本屬於月經討論
I think that's bullshit. You need to have a virtual currency first, which is stupid.
坐等 bhuztez 進來吐槽 Ruby 同時 hardsell erlang
rubyists usually use the whenever gem
Pretty lady, pretty lady
hmm... apprently there is no designer whatsoever in the ruby core team lol
time machine allows you exclude folders. alternatively you can use crashplan ( it's free for local backup )
google "chef vs puppet" search tools -> Past year
Please just give us the ability of blocking user and ignoring posts. Please please please...
Google translate…
企业级就是说企业要容易招到会这项技术的人,所以 Java 是企业级。
#37 楼 @zj0713001 测试太难学/太麻烦,影响 rails 的推广,还是去掉吧 - According to 楼主
As a complete newbie I have to say that migration is so much better and easier than raw SQL. I won't comment on GUI SQL tools. They are not for developers.
Left hand do the trackpad and right hand do the mouse
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