We’re doubling the RAM on all of our plans. This upgrade is available to existing and new customers. New Linodes will automatically be created with the new resources. Existing Linodes will need to go through the Upgrade Queue to receive the upgrades.
是 Linode 在 SXSW 上派发的传单:
#5 楼 @blacktulip 那就看用户是愿意 12 刀买不稳定的服务不好的 vps 还是话 20 刀买 1024 内存,不超卖 8 核 cpu 的 linode 了...用脚投票都知道结果了...
#15 楼 @leeboqiang #7 楼 @blacktulip 看了下 DO,看着挺好的...但是对于 5 美元可以有 512M 内存的 vps 总是心存疑虑...之前没用过 DO 的...可能@blacktulip 在国外速度好点吧...
Once it’s your Linode’s turn in the queue, your Linode will be shut down, upgraded, and migrated to another host. The migration will take about 1 minute per GB of disk images. After the migration has completed, your Linode will be returned to its last state (booted or shutdown) – but with the new RAM!
You are in the Migration Queue!
Your position is 1 out of 1 queued migrations in this Linode's datacenter.
Your Linode will be automatically shut down, migrated, and returned to its last state
#16 楼 @sailtsao #15 楼 @leeboqiang #14 楼 @NonTwitter 现在就用 DigitalOcean, 在这边速度差别跟 Linode 比几乎可以忽略。
在国内有人反映慢,不过也有人反映第一次加载之后速度没那么慢了。 除此之外我觉得 DO 跟其他 5 块钱的 VPS 还是有区别的,最起码很有诚意的自己做了管理界面。 而且 Railscasts 也在用。
而且 5 块跟 20 块差别还是很大的。即便 1GB 也才 10 块。