• 欢迎简历😉

  • 嗯,只是模拟一下,有的时候不知道预期的返回结果,比如有些节点多,有些节点少的情况

  • 整个表我没有去算,而且可能没有 vacuum 了最近,我拿了单条的刚刚看了一下

     explain (format json)  select * from  nb_command_analyses where created_at > '2021-01-01' and device_id = 'F34479F6F935';
                                         QUERY PLAN
     [                                                                                  +
       {                                                                                +
         "Plan": {                                                                      +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                                   +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                                                     +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                                                 +
           "Index Name": "nba_edcm_idx",                                                +
           "Relation Name": "nb_command_analyses",                                      +
           "Alias": "nb_command_analyses",                                              +
           "Startup Cost": 0.57,                                                        +
           "Total Cost": 1291320.82,                                                    +
           "Plan Rows": 3669,                                                           +
           "Plan Width": 222,                                                           +
           "Index Cond": "((device_id)::text = 'F34479F6F935'::text)",                  +
           "Filter": "(created_at > '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)"+
         }                                                                              +
       }                                                                                +
    (1 row)
    explain (format json)  select * from  nb_command_analyses where created_at > '2021-02-01' and device_id = 'F34479F6F935';
                                         QUERY PLAN
     [                                                                                  +
       {                                                                                +
         "Plan": {                                                                      +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                                   +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                                                     +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                                                 +
           "Index Name": "nba_edcm_idx",                                                +
           "Relation Name": "nb_command_analyses",                                      +
           "Alias": "nb_command_analyses",                                              +
           "Startup Cost": 0.57,                                                        +
           "Total Cost": 1291320.82,                                                    +
           "Plan Rows": 2938,                                                           +
           "Plan Width": 222,                                                           +
           "Index Cond": "((device_id)::text = 'F34479F6F935'::text)",                  +
           "Filter": "(created_at > '2021-02-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)"+
         }                                                                              +
       }                                                                                +
    (1 row)
    explain (format json)  select * from  nb_command_analyses where created_at > '2021-03-01' and device_id = 'F34479F6F935';
                                         QUERY PLAN
     [                                                                                  +
       {                                                                                +
         "Plan": {                                                                      +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                                   +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                                                     +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                                                 +
           "Index Name": "nba_edcm_idx",                                                +
           "Relation Name": "nb_command_analyses",                                      +
           "Alias": "nb_command_analyses",                                              +
           "Startup Cost": 0.57,                                                        +
           "Total Cost": 1291320.82,                                                    +
           "Plan Rows": 2416,                                                           +
           "Plan Width": 222,                                                           +
           "Index Cond": "((device_id)::text = 'F34479F6F935'::text)",                  +
           "Filter": "(created_at > '2021-03-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)"+
         }                                                                              +
       }                                                                                +
    (1 row)
    explain (format json)  select * from  nb_command_analyses where created_at > '2021-04-01' and device_id = 'F34479F6F935';
                                         QUERY PLAN
     [                                                                                  +
       {                                                                                +
         "Plan": {                                                                      +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                                   +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                                                     +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                                                 +
           "Index Name": "nba_edcm_idx",                                                +
           "Relation Name": "nb_command_analyses",                                      +
           "Alias": "nb_command_analyses",                                              +
           "Startup Cost": 0.57,                                                        +
           "Total Cost": 1291320.82,                                                    +
           "Plan Rows": 1401,                                                           +
           "Plan Width": 222,                                                           +
           "Index Cond": "((device_id)::text = 'F34479F6F935'::text)",                  +
           "Filter": "(created_at > '2021-04-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)"+
         }                                                                              +
       }                                                                                +
    (1 row)
    explain (format json)  select * from  nb_command_analyses where created_at > '2021-05-01' and device_id = 'F34479F6F935';
                                         QUERY PLAN
     [                                                                                  +
       {                                                                                +
         "Plan": {                                                                      +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                                   +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                                                     +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                                                 +
           "Index Name": "nba_edcm_idx",                                                +
           "Relation Name": "nb_command_analyses",                                      +
           "Alias": "nb_command_analyses",                                              +
           "Startup Cost": 0.57,                                                        +
           "Total Cost": 1291320.82,                                                    +
           "Plan Rows": 310,                                                            +
           "Plan Width": 222,                                                           +
           "Index Cond": "((device_id)::text = 'F34479F6F935'::text)",                  +
           "Filter": "(created_at > '2021-05-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)"+
         }                                                                              +
       }                                                                                +
    (1 row)
    结果是 1.1 -> 3669
    2.1 -> 2938
    3.1 -> 2416
    4.1 -> 1401
    5.1 -> 310
    实际count 下来 1.1 -> 3 
    select count(*) from  nb_command_analyses where created_at > '2021-01-01' and device_id = 'F34479F6F935';
    (1 row)


    select id from nb_command_analyses order by id desc limit 1;
    (1 row)
  •                   QUERY PLAN
     [                                            +
       {                                          +
         "Plan": {                                +
           "Node Type": "Seq Scan",               +
           "Parallel Aware": false,               +
           "Relation Name": "nb_command_analyses",+
           "Alias": "nb_command_analyses",        +
           "Startup Cost": 0.00,                  +
           "Total Cost": 2686346.72,              +
           "Plan Rows": 71053872,                 +
           "Plan Width": 222                      +
         }                                        +
       }                                          +
    (1 row)

    OK 了~ 眼瞎,没有看仔细

    带索引的和只有 filter 的条件都很快 😊

  • "727562792d6368696e612e6f7267".scan(/../)

  • 表大一点,计划会复杂,即使拿里层的 Plan Rows 数据也取不出来

    olive=> explain (format json) select count(*) from audits;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
    QUERY PLAN | [                                                            +
               |   {                                                          +
               |     "Plan": {                                                +
               |       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                              +
               |       "Strategy": "Plain",                                   +
               |       "Partial Mode": "Finalize",                            +
               |       "Parallel Aware": false,                               +
               |       "Startup Cost": 1596821.82,                            +
               |       "Total Cost": 1596821.83,                              +
               |       "Plan Rows": 1,                                        +
               |       "Plan Width": 8,                                       +
               |       "Plans": [                                             +
               |         {                                                    +
               |           "Node Type": "Gather",                             +
               |           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                    +
               |           "Parallel Aware": false,                           +
               |           "Startup Cost": 1596821.60,                        +
               |           "Total Cost": 1596821.81,                          +
               |           "Plan Rows": 2,                                    +
               |           "Plan Width": 8,                                   +
               |           "Workers Planned": 2,                              +
               |           "Single Copy": false,                              +
               |           "Plans": [                                         +
               |             {                                                +
               |               "Node Type": "Aggregate",                      +
               |               "Strategy": "Plain",                           +
               |               "Partial Mode": "Partial",                     +
               |               "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                +
               |               "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
               |               "Startup Cost": 1595821.60,                    +
               |               "Total Cost": 1595821.61,                      +
               |               "Plan Rows": 1,                                +
               |               "Plan Width": 8,                               +
               |               "Plans": [                                     +
               |                 {                                            +
               |                   "Node Type": "Index Only Scan",            +
               |                   "Parent Relationship": "Outer",            +
               |                   "Parallel Aware": true,                    +
               |                   "Scan Direction": "Forward",               +
               |                   "Index Name": "index_audits_on_created_at",+
               |                   "Relation Name": "audits",                 +
               |                   "Alias": "audits",                         +
               |                   "Startup Cost": 0.56,                      +
               |                   "Total Cost": 1548601.80,                  +
               |                   "Plan Rows": 18887923,                     +
               |                   "Plan Width": 0                            +
               |                 }                                            +
               |               ]                                              +
               |             }                                                +
               |           ]                                                  +
               |         }                                                    +
               |       ]                                                      +
               |     }                                                        +
               |   }                                                          +
               | ]
    olive=> select id from audits order by id desc limit 1;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]
    id | 45752411


    psql (13.1, server 11.8)

  • 不建议把 username、user_type、mobile 这些私密信息放到 payload 里面,jwt 不 verify 也可先解出来的

    {"exp_at"=>"2019-10-06 17:57:54 +0800", "id"=>4, "username"=>"纪", "user_type"=>"super_admin", "mobile"=>"177"}, {"alg"=>"HS256"}

  • 一招秒杀 N+1 agg 问题 at November 11, 2018

    嗯,我忘了,我没有 deleted_at 字段,#21 的那里语句写的是按例子来的,实际的是下面这个

    SELECT  orders.*, aggs.* FROM "orders" LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id, COUNT(*) AS items_count FROM "order_items" GROUP BY "order_items"."order_id") AS aggs ON aggs.order_id = orders.id ORDER BY orders.id DESC LIMIT 10;
  • 一招秒杀 N+1 agg 问题 at November 11, 2018


    order_items 的数据量为 20W+ orders 为 5W+

    使用 LEFT JOIN LATERAL 在子查询里面多加 where 条件后好。感觉还是里面的查询不知道要使用 order_id 的索引来过滤数据,需要强制指定。如果没有这种用法,是不是就只能用子查询了?第一次见到这种写法 🎁 🎁 又学了一招

  • 一招秒杀 N+1 agg 问题 at November 10, 2018
    SELECT  orders.*, aggs.* FROM "orders" LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id, COUNT(*) AS items_count FROM "order_items" WHERE "order_items"."deleted_at" IS NULL GROUP BY "order_items"."order_id") AS aggs ON aggs.order_id = orders.id LIMIT 10

    这个是正序的情况,是很快,但是 last 是带了 order by orders.id desc 的,好像速度不行~

    SELECT  orders.*, aggs.* FROM "orders" LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id, COUNT(*) AS items_count FROM "order_items" WHERE "order_items"."deleted_at" IS NULL GROUP BY "order_items"."order_id") AS aggs ON aggs.order_id = orders.id ORDER BY orders.id DESC LIMIT 10

    感觉在中间的子查询中还要再嵌套一层过滤 order_id 的,根据外层的条件来

    不带 ORDER BY

    Limit  (cost=0.71..6.73 rows=10 width=359) (actual time=0.072..0.127 rows=10 loops=1)
      ->  Merge Left Join  (cost=0.71..40027.18 rows=66537 width=359) (actual time=0.071..0.125 rows=10 loops=1)
            Merge Cond: (orders.id = order_items.order_id)
            ->  Index Scan using orders_pkey on orders  (cost=0.29..9346.63 rows=66537 width=347) (actual time=0.028..0.054 rows=10 loops=1)
            ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.42..29731.93 rows=34768 width=12) (actual time=0.039..0.057 rows=5 loops=1)
                  Group Key: order_items.order_id
                  ->  Index Only Scan using index_order_items_on_order_id on order_items  (cost=0.42..28311.68 rows=214514 width=4) (actual time=0.029..0.044 rows=21 loops=1)
                        Heap Fetches: 21
    Planning time: 0.640 ms
    Execution time: 0.244 ms

    带了 ORDER BY

    Limit  (cost=12230.82..12232.33 rows=10 width=359) (actual time=254.210..254.258 rows=10 loops=1)
      ->  Merge Left Join  (cost=12230.82..22265.03 rows=66537 width=359) (actual time=254.208..254.253 rows=10 loops=1)
            Merge Cond: (orders.id = order_items.order_id)
            ->  Index Scan Backward using orders_pkey on orders  (cost=0.29..9346.63 rows=66537 width=347) (actual time=0.025..0.059 rows=10 loops=1)
            ->  Sort  (cost=12230.53..12317.45 rows=34768 width=12) (actual time=254.177..254.179 rows=5 loops=1)
                  Sort Key: order_items.order_id DESC
                  Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 3857kB
                  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=8912.71..9260.39 rows=34768 width=12) (actual time=202.281..223.324 rows=53143 loops=1)
                        Group Key: order_items.order_id
                        ->  Seq Scan on order_items  (cost=0.00..7840.14 rows=214514 width=4) (actual time=0.014..87.574 rows=214514 loops=1)
    Planning time: 0.660 ms
    Execution time: 255.422 ms

    如果在中间那个 group by 的子查询中再嵌套一个子查询带外层的条件,又感觉比较丑

  • 😎 严重支持

  • 看到下午茶进来的

  • 网约车已经合法,OBD 还是挺热的,看好👾

  • 函数参数疑问 at August 20, 2016

    我的两个理解点 1,ruby 是浅拷备的 2,代码解释由右至左

    a.push 的方法,基于浅拷备,不另辟内存空间,所以改变的是原值

    add function 里面 a 是一个新变量会有一个新的 object_id,它只是指向 function 外面的 a 的地址,在 a = a 的过程只,只是声明了一个新的 object,并没有开辟内存空间去存值 a = a + b 先计算 a+b,然后指向新的内存地址

    估计是为了省内存吧 乱猜的