发布闭源商业软件的话,看到 GPL 就像看到屎一样...
LGPL 和 BSD (MIT), Apache 什么的差不多,可以直接把二进制和自己的软件一起打包,附上协议即可
不过如果用到的 GPL 软件能让客户自己从源码安装,或者系统已经自带,也不用担心... 部署到自己的服务器的话也不用担心随便用
WTFPL 和 creative commons 就是 for fun 乱搞的随便用
#6 楼 @cod7ce extjs 也要赚钱的,这么做就是逼你买商业许可证... 不过很多人都不给钱也不把源码 GPL 化
For example: let’s take a mortgage processing software program. Let’s say that the application has a front-end (that generates web pages linked to Ext JS JavaScript) that communicates over JSON/HTTP with a backend service. This backend service contains approval and validation logic for this application alone. Even if only the front-end uses Ext JS code, you should consider that the combination of front and back ends constitutes the application, and the source code for both back and front end would need to be provided to the application’s end users under GPLv3 if the application is used by an end-user who is not part of the same legal entity that holds the GPLv3 license to the Ext JS code.