Railscasts-china 推出也有半年多了。网站的代码一直是用的 Railscasts 的代码。虽然 Railscasts 本身是开源项目,但是协议上还是有蛮多限制。Ryan 本人并不希望随便使用他的代码搭建自己的系统,他开放源代码的目的主要是供别人学习 Rails 时有个参考。
我本人是非常感谢他能允许 Railscasts-china 使用的他的代码。这一点让我在开始阶段轻松了很多。
现在是时候重写 Railscasts-china 了。并且会以 MIT 协议进行开源。
新版本会部署在国内。感谢 http://vps.42qu.com/ 的朋友赞助了我 VPS. :D 因此,我需要做备案。
不知道是否有北京的朋友可以帮忙一下?这个应该需要去一趟北京的机房。具体怎么备案我也不太了解。CC @clc3123 能做一下介绍吗? :D
最后,非常感谢 @yedingding 同学利用业余时间和我一起在重新开发新版 Railscasts-china.
这周末才刚刚开始,代码在 https://github.com/poshboytl/railscasts-china 有兴趣的朋友可以围观开发过程。
另外,我们希望得到懂 UI 设计的朋友的帮助,对 Railscasts-china 做一个重新的设计,并和我们一起完成这个项目,非常感谢。
@poshboytl I want to contribute a screencast to Railscasts-china.com, it is a summarization of this post http://ruby-china.org/topics/1222
Will cover:
If your permission granted, the video shall be ready in a week or so. The format will follow http://happycasts.net/ style(10 mins, done on Ubuntu), so what would you say? Any suggestion or requirement is welcome.
#27 楼 @happypeter Sorry that, just saw your message.
I have watched almost all the stuff you made. It's really gooood. I wanna make this contribution happen before the new site out.
Is that ok? And would you please tell me where I could get your video files.
Thanks and regards.
Thanks for your kind words, the cast will be done in a few days, then will be uploaded to my vps. You will receive a link by that time.
BTW, this cast is for railscasts-china, not part of my happycasts.
#31 楼 @happypeter You are the man... :D let me know when you finish it. And thanks very much.
#33 楼 @poshboytl Video: http://media.happycasts.net/railscasts-china/ Desc: 介绍了使用 vim 开发 rails 项目时常用的一些代码补齐技巧,包括 vim 插入模式下的 CTRL_X 打头的系列快捷键,万能补齐,snipmate,zencoding 等等。