在译言上看到一篇文章 为什么我要停止读/听/看新闻?
再看到文章的推荐 Avoid News, towards a healthy news diet
摘记一下段落的小标题,至少第 8 点我是深有体会的。
1. News misleads us systematically.
2. News is irrelevant.
3. News limits understanding.
4. News is toxic to your body.
5. News massively increases cognitive errors.
6. News inhibits thinking.
7. News changes the structure of your brain.
8. News is costly.
9. News sunders the relationship between reputation and achievement.
10. News is produced by journalists.
11. Reported facts are sometimes wrong, forecasts always.
12. News is manipulative.
13. News makes us passive.
14. News gives us the illusion of caring.
15. News kills creativity.