招聘 [北京,可远程] 招聘 UI designer / Front-end developer

yanhao · 2013年08月26日 · 最后由 happypeter 回复于 2013年08月28日 · 3695 次阅读

e-Accent 是一家总部位于荷兰,从事互联网相关的外包项目的公司,北京办公室在建外 SOHO 西区。

随着业务的发展,现在需要招聘 1、2 名 UI designer / Front-end developer,具体要求如下:


  • developing enterprise web applications in an excellent Ruby on Rails dev team
  • work for international clients


  • Excellent communication skills and English proficiency
  • Excellent skills in HTML5, jQuery, SCSS and CSS frameworks
  • Proven experience with web application development

As a UI designer and front-end developer you play a central role in the development of our web applications. You communicate with our customers directly, translate ideas into quick mock-ups for clients, build designs directly in HTML5, and work together with our Ruby on Rails developers to turn the designs into web applications.

公司的客户全部为欧美客户,日常工作语言为英语,因此要求应聘者能够用英语沟通。 公司是分布式办公的倡导者,员工可以自由选择在家办公或到办公室上班,日常的沟通交流主要通过 Campfire, Basecamp, Skype 等工具。 这个职位的月薪范围是 8k~16k。员工的社保通过北京的合作的公司缴纳。

请发送英文简历、作品、代码样本到[email protected]


唉,看这职位简直就是为自己量身定做嘛,可惜现在抽不了身 = =#

what about the situation without excellent english

#2 楼 @jyz19880823 If you cannot understand the requirements of the projects, and cannot discuss questions with colleagues, how can you work on the projects? The good news is that mostly we communicate with emails and Campfire, rather than speaking.

We are a team of 3 Rails dev/HTML5 superfan, we are currently building our own product, but still we have plenty of time to do some extra work to solve our money problem.

So my question is, is it acceptable to you that if we want to join as a team? 😄 We want to work remotely, and each of us will work part time, but certainly we can provide more horsepower than one single dev can offer.

My name is Peter, and here is my personal tech cast:

#4 楼 @happypeter 记得曾经见过你。回头我问下老板看能不能合作。

#4 楼 无需鉴定!推荐 @happypeter

Thx a lot everybody. And @yanhao , if you do need to sign a contract with one person, I can do that(on behalf of all us). And if there is something going wrong, I shall be the one that you can assign blame.

My email: [email protected]

#8 楼 @happypeter Peter 老师 4 楼的英语高端洋气,到了 8 楼怎么感觉 hold 不住了

#9 楼 @xstmjh In case anybody want to know more about my English level:

#10 楼 @happypeter Thank you, Peter. It's a pity that my boss want to hire a full-time employee for now. Hope to have a chance to cooperate in the future.

#11 楼 @yanhao Thank you for your help, talk to you later.

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