招聘 [北京] Boston Startup Looking for Ruby Developer in Beijing

alexliu · 2013年05月14日 · 最后由 denny2trasy 回复于 2013年06月15日 · 4784 次阅读

TransformOne is a startup in Boston, we are developing a clinical trial cloud solution for pharmaceutical companies.

We are looking for a senior Ruby developer to join our team at a competitive rate. The position will be remote and the team is global. This means you will be able to work at home and have relatively flexible schedule.

We are looking to set up an office in Beijing later this year. Thus we are looking for remote people in Beijing.


  1. 计算机软件及相关专业学历
  2. 熟悉 Ruby on Rails,Javascript,HTML,CSS 等技术
  3. 熟练使用 linux, apache, mysql, git 等系统、工具
  4. 熟悉 linux 操作系统
  5. 具备良好的代码书写规范,善于思考,能独立分析和解决问题
  6. 责任心强,具备团队合作精神和承受压力的能力
  7. Excellent written and good spoken English is a Must!

简历请发至 [email protected]

Please include information about your availability for fulltime/part time and your salary requirements.


It's highly suggest that using all english in your JD to filter some guys don't know english well~ :)

Haha, thanks Boboism. I have confidence that all chinese techies have some level of reading ability for English.


It is too strange that you are looking for a rubyist only in Beijing for a remote job.

We are looking to set up an office in Beijing later this year. Thus we are looking for remote people in Beijing.

在大连一直 remote 行不行?@alexliu

#7 楼 @tankerwng 看来这哥们是大连的,一直在找 remote 的工作,何不关注一下“盛安德” 这个公司,好像全国各地都有分公司,里面就有大连


哎,我是大连的,可是大连这破 IT 环境,就知道做外包。


我个人很好奇这个项目,找了个机会接触@alexliu 并了解了下,他们的商业规划和项目前景其实极好,目标市场和客户属于体量大,钱多,未来盈利能力很强的那种。

她们在做的事情是尝试用新技术,新思维去颠覆自己所擅长的专业领域,虽然也有很大的风险,竞争压力,但是@alexliu 本人是一个头脑清晰,对自己的分析和项目前景很理性客观,坦诚,技术出身且很懂得商业的人,可惜的是这些如果不去直接跟她沟通,仅仅从招聘贴和他们的网站是看不出来的。如果你有兴趣,不妨接触一下,投个简历,了解一下项目背景和细节,看看能否打动自己,去跟@alexliu 一起合作开创一个事业。

@alexliu 本人的经历甚至可以作为传奇励志故事,我跟她已经约好了,将来某期 Teahour 我会邀请她来给大家分享一下自己一个人闯荡美国,求学,就业,生活,创业方面的很有趣,很有启发的故事。

#11 楼 @lgn21st

期待她做客 teahour

我们已经开始面试了,你的简历投了吗? ;)

匿名 #13 2013年05月27日

#13 楼 @alexliu 你们是在北京设立研发中心了么?

第 7 条 Excellent written and good spoken English is a Must!

@alexliu You looked like big S.


The image in homepage of is Photoshoped. The proportion of this image is not good. The hand is too large.


#19 楼 @tumayun Take care of your hard hurt. Join a offshore software company like

what about a junior Ruby Developer?

@gazeldx 北京不是已经不招了吗

will intern be ok? cuz i'm a newbie but with love in ROR. btw do u need ios dev...

#22 楼 @tumayun 尚未看到不招了的信息。 如果不招了,请楼主最好更新一下吧。


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