A program collection to download WangYin's blog articles and convert them into markdown format.
A community coding style guide for the Clojure programming language
A list of Lisp-flavored programming languages
Depth of Field Calculator
Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
Python code example to demonstrate how to add watermark into a image file
A set of exercises for learning Clojure
““你可能很优秀,不过不是我们要找的类型,sorry....”呵呵,我很想知道:这家公司想找的是什么类型,为了 happy coding 可以不计报酬?
ESC 键的位置是亮点。现在的键盘上 ESC 的位置比较悲剧。
站着工作,我担心双臂在没有足够支撑的情况下,容易发生肩膀疼痛的问题。所以我想问楼主 @kevin__liu,这个问题是怎么解决的?