#19 楼 @luikore http://ruby-china.org/topics/7732
Erlang -> Core Erlang -> BEAM bytecode
parse_transform 就可以了
Forms 就是啦
其实完全没必要的,你可以直接写个 Parser 生成 CoreErlang 或者 BEAM 的
There is no clear winner in the duel. I prefer Haskell, but I am biased and believe in static typing. Yet I like programming in Erlang - both languages are good from different perspectives.
After 2 months of tuning on and off I went back to Erlang Unoptimized Erlang version as fast as Combinatorrent in practice
coroutine 是可以,但是,作为浏览器回调函数感觉会很费解
根本就不需要什么老赵那个坑爹的 wind.js,JavaScript 本来就能yield
的啊,只是 V8 不支持罢了
#52 楼 @ShiningRay 不管你信不信,反正我现在就在用 Python 开发 Web 界面,我就是不用 JavaScript...
#48 楼 @ShiningRay 严重怀疑他们想的是前后端用相同的 pattern 来干活
#47 楼 @ShiningRay cometd 在 Node.js 出来之前就可以了 ...
#45 楼 @ShiningRay 语言本身就不显然比之前的异步框架支持的语言更好,用 Node.js 做东西既不 quick 又 dirty ...
#29 楼 @jiyinyiyong Node.js 有屁个开发效率...
即便是异步框架内部 (Emacs,Tcl,Perl/POE,Python/Twisted,Ruby/EventMachine ...),你说哪个不能完爆 Node.js?
#28 楼 @hooopo 不记得了,之后我就把所有和 Node.js 有关的东西都删了。
目测 http://cnodejs.org/ 还是那风格
别扯了,Node.js 就是坑爹货。异步逻辑本来就很恶心,Node.js 又不是第一个异步框架,而且比之前的异步框架都更难用。就异步框架里面,你说 Emacs,Tcl,Perl/POE,Python/Twisted,Ruby/EventMachine,渣渣的 Node.js 比得过哪个?
我觉得在这里你也找不出几个比我更早折腾 Node.js 的了,我开始折腾 Node.js 的时候,Node.js 的版本号才刚刚 0.1.x。
#56 楼 @fsword http://ruby-china.org/topics/10822
Recruit programmers who
- can show that they are productive
- want to learn new technology and tools
- and have the right “mindset”
There are three types of people:
- People who effortlessly learn to program and don’t need any formal education
- People who can be taught to program
- People who haven’t a clue what it is all about and never will be able to write a significant program
- The third group is by far the largest!
The only safe way to determine a person’s programming ability is by observing the person’s programming performance in practice
>>> from email.header import decode_header
>>> for s, c in decode_header("=?GB2312?B?NS4xMiC98czs0ru149KysrvApw==?="):
... print s.decode(c)
5.12 今天一点也不困
#20 楼 @mozillazg 其实,只需要兼容 IE6-9 问题不是太大,大不了就不支持别的浏览器么
#11 楼 @ChanceDoor 你竟然还要问为什么...