#95 楼 @crazyitman http://book.douban.com/subject/2334288/ 通俗易懂 作者的大话系列都非常赞
@lgn21st 此贴建议加精,理由如下:
#51 楼 @RainFlying #52 楼 @search
我 09 年接触 Ruby
的,跟你一样什么都不懂就开始玩儿 ruby,虽然到现在技术也不咋地,但是还是可以分享点经验的,
( Programming Ruby
绝对是一本 翻不完 的书,有些只是带过的一句话都是发人深省). 我也是经常遇各种坑,没基础不可怕,可怕的是别人在玩,你玩比别人更嗨皮。
class UtilObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
observe :model1, :model2
def before_save(record)
record.slug = record.slug_format
module Model1
def slug_format
self.title.gsub(' ', '-').downcase
module Model2
def slug_format
self.name.gsub(' ', '-').downcase
建议: 感觉区域级联的应该交给 js 来处理,如果一定要用 rails 的话可以只给个 task 任务导出当前的省市区固定的 json 格式的文件
class Bob
def hey(words)
@parser = WordsParser.new
if @parser.silent?(words) then "Fine. Be that way!"
elsif @parser.shout?(words) then "Woah, chill out!"
elsif @parser.question?(words) then "Sure."
else "Whatever."
module Foo
attr_accessor :foo
def foo
@foo ||= 'zzz'
class Bar
include Foo
osascript -e 'tell application "Messages" to send "Hello world." to text chat "email | username"'
t[/(\d|:)+\b/] = $&.gsub(':','-')
Our support staff has responded to your request, details of which are described below:
Discussion Notes Support Staff Response Dear Sir Or Madam,
Thank you for your response. We do not charge to transfer a domain name from us to another Registrar. You should contact the company that will receive the domain(s) to start the process and find out what they may require from you. Please note that if you have recently registered your domain or made a change to the registrant contact information, you will not be able to transfer the domain away for a period of 60 days from the registration date or most recent contact change.
To make a domain name available to transfer away from us, you will need to unlock the domain, obtain the domain name authorization code, and remove private registration (if you have selected this option).
To 'lock' or 'unlock' your domain name, follow the directions below:
First, log into your account:
If you have trouble logging in, our Account Retrieval System may help you. You can use this to retrieve your customer number and/or reset your customer account password. You can find this system by selecting 'Click Here' next to 'Forgot Your Password?' on the 'My Account' login page.
Once logged in, follow these steps:
After making changes to the domain’s settings, some features of your domain management will be disabled briefly while the updates are being processed. While you can make changes to nameservers, etc. within a few minutes of unlocking a domain, 48 hours may be required if you are unlocking the domain to transfer to another registrar.
To obtain the Authorization Code for your domain, please follow these directions:
If you do not have private registration enabled on the domain name, this is all that will will need to be done on our side to allow the domain name to be transferred.
If you have privacy enabled on your domain name through Domains by proxy you will need to remove this before the domain name can be transferred away.
The private registration for your domain is managed through Domains By Proxy, while the domain registration is managed by us.
You will need to log into your account with Domains By Proxy in order to cancel the privacy service. We have received the following instructions from Domains By Proxy for canceling private registration service for a domain:
-If you do not remember your Domains by Proxy login information, click on the 'Forgot your password?' link to retrieve your customer number and reset your password
You will then receive an email regarding the cancellation. The domain will no longer appear in your Domains by Proxy account, and the cancellation will not affect any other services on the domain such as DNS or email. Please remember that cancellation of the private registration is not refundable.
If you have any other questions regarding the cancellation of your private registration, please contact the Domains By Proxy support staff using the following URL:
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
Regards, Bob C. Online Support Team