• capistrano 关于 rails3 的问题 at 2013年01月19日


    #$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path'])) require "rvm/capistrano" set :rvm_ruby_string, 'default' set :rvm_type, :user


    require "bundler/capistrano"

    Your Applications “Name”

    set :application, "app_name"

    The URL to your applications repository

    set :repository, "." set :scm, :none set :deploy_via, :copy

    Require subversion to do an export instead of a checkout.

    set :checkout, 'export'

    The user you are using to deploy with (This user should have SSH access to your server)

    set :user, "user"

    We want to deploy everything under your user, and we don’t want to use sudo

    set :use_sudo, true

    Where to deploy your application to.

    set :deploy_to, "/var/www/#{application}"

    ——————————– Server Definitions ——————————–

    Define the hostname of your server. If you have multiple servers for multiple purposes, we can define those below as well.

    set :server_name, "domain.com"

    We’re assuming you’re using a single server for your site, but if you have a seperate asset server or database server, you can specify that here.

    role :app, server_name role :web, server_name role :db, server_name, :primary => true

    ——————————– Final Config ——————————–

    This configuration option is helpful when using svn+ssh but doesn’t hurt anything to leave it enabled always.

    default_run_options[:pty] = true namespace :deploy do task :restart do run "touch #{deploy_to}current/tmp/restart.txt" end task :start do run "cd #{deploy_to} && ln -s current/public public_html" run "touch #{deploy_to}current/tmp/restart.txt" end task :symlink do run "cd #{deploy_to} && rm current ; ln -s releases/#{release_name} current" run <<-CMD rm -rf #{latest_release}/log /home/#{user}/#{latest_release}/public/system #{latest_release}/tmp/pids && ln -s /home/#{user}#{shared_path}/log /home/#{user}#{latest_release}/log && ln -s /home/#{user}#{shared_path}/system /home/#{user}#{latest_release}/public/system && ln -s /home/#{user}#{shared_path}/pids /home/#{user}#{latest_release}/tmp/pids CMD end task :stop do run "rm #{deploy_to}public_html" end namespace :web do task :disable do run "cd #{deploy_to} && rm public_html && ln -s static_site public_html" end task :enable do run "cd #{deploy_to} && rm public_html && ln -s current/public public_html" end end end task :after_setup do run "rm -rf #{deploy_to}public_html" run "mkdir #{deploy_to}static_site" end

  • capistrano 关于 rails3 的问题 at 2013年01月19日

    #1 楼 @geekontheway 哈哈哈 吴依洁嘛 一眼就被你认出来了