入门级配置 512M 内存 20G SSD 硬盘 流量 1T 免费备份 现在已经有 10 万台服务在用了,api 接口很棒,有很好的扩容部署
控制面板也很简洁,按小时收费(用 1 美元多点就可以用 1 个小时的 96G 内存的服务器。。。)
Built for Developers
用了就知道 比 linode 要好一些,linode 都被用烂了
@ttt 马甲君好,马甲君再见。
DigitalOcean 相比 Linode , 我还是会选 Linode.
用过几十家 VPS,这家算中等偏上的。不过标题中号称比 Linode 好,实在言过其实了。
digitalocean 的典型用户就是 jsfiddle 现在好像转用 serverstack 的服务器,serverstack 和 digitalocean 应该是同一家 大陆访问 digitalocean,速度相当不行
DO is great for databases. And it offers same-level performance of Linode for 25% the price.
The problem of DO is it doesn't have a comprehensive control panel as Linode does. And of course its datacenters are not China-friendly. But that is not an issue for me. Plus they are going to provide nodes on the west coast in April this year.
I think DO is great. Their support response tickets very quickly. I moved to DO as soon as saw the ad. Therefore I got free bandwidth XD.
They mentioned that they are going to provide nodes in Asia-Pacific area in this year. But no exact timing yet.
#37 楼 @ttt 目前用的 dallas,本来是 fremont,前端时间被封锁才转到 dallas 去的,不过我一直想转到东京,东京就是速度有时候很好,有时候会一般
#38 楼 @blacktulip 要 later this year 呢,再看看了,等他们上了咱们再看,嘿嘿