开发工具 关于 sublime 的问题

xiaolai · October 04, 2012 · Last by southwolf replied at October 10, 2012 · 2356 hits




Hi, all, I am a new user of st2.

thanks for reading my questions:

(I'm using ST2 on OS X Mountain Lion.)

- Is there any way to view all currently available tab triggers? (as I can see in textmate's toolbar menu of Bundles...) or is there any plan to add such a menu?

- I can see many textmate bundle files, in the ~/Library/Application Support Sublime Text 2/Packages/ directory, such as html/HTML.tmLanguage, or some file ending with .tmPreferences... but how can I make use of these files?

- In Textmate, when I edit html files, I can use supper + b to wrap text with <strong></strong>, super + i to wrap with <em></em>, how to do so (other keybinds are ok.) in ST2?

- When I edit a rails view template file (.html.eb), syntax scope chosen as HTML(Rails), "if + tab" gives me php code: <?php if (condition): ?><?php endif ?>, why?

  1. 为什么要看到所有的 snippets 呢? 只关心当前文件类型的,tools - snippets 使用率高的话可以绑定一个快捷键

  2. st 的语法主题等都是和 tm 兼容的,插件丢到/Packages 下面会动态加载, 不同的 file format 以及如果使用可以参考: http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/reference/reference.html

  3. 建议使用 zencoding 插件,记住一个标准比记住不同的 shortcuts 方便多了 :)

第一条需求可能就是@chagel 说的 Tools-Snippets 第三条我基本都是看 *.sublime-keymap才知道一些 Sublime 的快捷键

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