招聘 [Remote work in China] Looking for experienced remote Web/App engineers

wrymax for Workstream · 2019年10月07日 · 最后由 xiaomage 回复于 2019年10月10日 · 3538 次阅读

About the Company and Product

Workstream is a workflow automation Saas for hourly workers. Now we have 300+ paying clients in the US and Asia, including Subway, Westin, Formula 1, Jumba Juice, 添好运,etc. Our vision is to help our clients automate and speed up their new employees' sourcing, screening, training, and onboarding process. We are closing our Series A fundraising led by Tier 1 funds in Silicon Valley and backed by top funds and angels, such as Basis Set Ventures, Peter Thiel's Valar Ventures, Google, Logitech CEO, Zoom CEO, Yelp COO, etc.

About the Team


We have 30+ people distributed in the US, China, Canada, Singapore, Ukraine, and Philippines. We embrace the fully remote team structure and always onboard the best talents around the world. Currently, we have 7 engineers in China, Singapore, and Canada. All of them have at least 5+ years of full-time work experience. 70% of us founded our own startups previously.


CEO: Desmond Lim, Harvard University, worked at WeChat US and Merrill Lynch.

CTO: Max Wang, Cornell University, worked at Sinovation Ventures and founded

CPO: Lei Xu, UC Berkeley, worked at Google.



  1. Beijing, Wuhan
  2. Other cities in China

Positions and compensation

We are finding web/app engineers. We pay competitive salaries compared to top tech companies in China to make sure you won't worry about your life by working with the team. We also provide rich options for us to grow together. We will pay you US dollars cash directly to your personal bank account.

1. Ruby on Rails engineer

Job Requirement

  1. Proficient in Ruby and Rails.
  2. Proficient in principles of web development.
  3. Solid programming foundation.
  4. Fluent in English.
  5. Experiences of AWS.

Nice to have:

  1. Knowledge of ReactJS, Redux, and related tools.
  2. Experiences of dev-ops.
  3. Knowledge of Machine Learning/Deep Learning.


Please submit your application here(Need VPN):

1. Frontend engineer

Job Requirement

  1. Proficient in modern JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, etc.
  2. Proficient in principles of web development.
  3. Solid programming foundation.
  4. Fluent in English.
  5. Experiences of AWS.

Nice to have:

  1. Knowledge of backend development.
  2. Experiences of dev-ops.


Please submit your application here(Need VPN):

2. ReactNative engineer

Job Requirement

  1. Proficient in modern JavaScript, ReactJS, ReactNative, Redux, etc.
  2. Proficient in principles of app development and having experiences in native app development.
  3. Solid programming foundation.
  4. Fluent in English.

Nice to have:

  1. Knowledge of backend/web frontend development.
  2. Experiences of dev-ops.


Please submit your application here(Need VPN):

想问一下简历是要英文的吗,还有前端需要会 ruby 吗,

yinmay1990 回复

简历中英文都可以。我们会有一个英文的面试,需要有基本的英语沟通能力。前端不一定会 ruby, 但是 nice to have

因为中国和加州相差 9 个小时的时差,沟通环节你们喜欢放到中国时间早晨?还是晚上?


laozhongyi 回复

我们每天早上中国时间 9:30 有晨会,每周三中国时间中午有一次全体会议。其他时间都在 slack 上按需自行安排,非常人性。

5 楼 已删除
wrymax 回复



yinmay1990 回复

我们一般一周在 Jira 上没人定义 40 小时的任务,一般会有些弹性。薪资 + 期权会有不同的组合方案,并且每年都会按一定比例提升或发放新的期权。目前团队所有工程师都很满意。

fidel 回复

工作经验不是硬性要求,但目前团队平均有 5 年以上经验。地区没有硬性限制,但是在国内,地理上和时区上比较方便和其他同事交流。

wrymax 回复

OK👌 谢啦谢啦

What about the salary range?

xiaoronglv [该话题已被删除] 提及了此话题。 01月29日 07:59
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