瞎扯淡 CoffeeScript 的作者是个中国通?

kevinhua · June 13, 2012 · Last by ShiningRay replied at June 15, 2012 · 2878 hits

从他的 document 代码中可以看得出来,有姚明,有刘翔:

gold = silver = rest = "unknown"

awardMedals = (first, second, others...) ->
  gold   = first
  silver = second
  rest   = others

contenders = [
  "Michael Phelps"
  "Liu Xiang"
  "Yao Ming"
  "Allyson Felix"
  "Shawn Johnson"
  "Roman Sebrle"
  "Guo Jingjing"
  "Tyson Gay"
  "Asafa Powell"
  "Usain Bolt"

awardMedals contenders...

alert "Gold: " + gold
alert "Silver: " + silver
alert "The Field: " + rest

推理:我的代码中写了 Tom 和 Jim,所以我是个美国通。

#1 楼 @andor_chen 两个可能: 第一个可能是,恭禧,你是美国通! 第二个可能是,推理不通,关键是 Yao Min, Liu Xiang 与 Tom, Jim 不等价。 呵呵!

Unknow user #3 June 14, 2012


#1 楼 @andor_chen coffeescript 的作者了解的程度,比知道“你好”要多一点

kevinhua closed this topic. 10 Oct 10:21
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