SAP 是一家什么样的企业?
SAP 公司成立于 1972 年,总部位于德国沃尔多夫市,是全球最大的企业管理和协同化商务解决方案供应商、全球第三大独立软件供应商。目前,在全球有 120 多个国家的超过 24450 家用户正在运行着 84000 多套 SAP 软件。财富 500 强 80% 以上的企业都正在从 SAP 的管理方案中获益。SAP 在全球 50 多个国家拥有分支机构,并在多家证券交易所上市,包括法兰克福和纽约证交所。
SAP 专注于企业应用市场,但这种专注使得 SAP 在这个市场上具有最高的市场占有率,几乎为第二位 (Oracle) 和第三位的总和。
我们在用 Ruby 做什么?
SAP Jam 是一套企业协作云解决方案,可以理解为企业版本的 facebook。提高企业的沟通效率,沉淀企业内部的知识,新员工培训等一系列应用场景。我们在加拿大的温哥华以及美国旧金山都有相关的研发伙伴,在全球有超过 50 人的 Ruby 开发团队。

SAP Jam 用到的技术栈
- Git
- Ruby on Rails
- Backbone + inferno
- Chef + Docker
- Ruby + Javascript (80%), Java (10%), C++(10%)
- Minitest + Fixture
- RabbitMQ
我们的项目比较大,所以有条不紊 (慢慢的) 用新技术替换陈旧的技术。
- 3 年 Web 开发经验
- 很强的学习能力
- 熟悉 Git
- 熟悉 JavaScript
- 熟悉一门后端编程技术,Ruby / Python / Java / PHP / Perl
- 熟悉 MySQL (如果精通 Memcached, Redis, RabbitMQ,HANA 就更棒了)
- 本科学位
- 英语听说读写能力。我们的工程师,产品经理,客户支持,销售分布在温哥华/美国/欧洲。希望你具备良好的英文沟通能力,与国外的工程师一起讨论方案,与产品经理沟通需求,处理 Customer Support 提交的 bug,使用英文演示自己开发的新功能。
- 有面向企业市场的开发经验
- 计算机科学或相关领域的学士或硕士学位
- Vim 党 / Emacs 党
- C++ 开发经验
- 喜欢写测试
- 参与过开源项目
- 熟悉 Docker
- 没有周报
- 管理弹性,自由安排时间,上班时间也可以去健身。
- 现磨咖啡,无限供应的可乐和雪碧。
- 15 寸顶配 MBP。
- 免费午餐,5 菜 1 汤。
- 过生日的时候,会有礼物、蛋糕。
- 覆盖其他家庭成员的医疗商业保险
- 每年补贴 3600 元健身费用。
- 加拿大出差的机会。
有个不大的健身房,里面有 3 台跑步机,1 台椭圆仪,乒乓球和桌面足球若干。(建议 16:00 点之前去健身,否则根本抢不到跑步机)如果满足不了你的要求,公司对面有个威尔士。
免费现磨咖啡 + 无限量碳酸饮料,雅致办公室



可以无缝访问 Google / Twitter / Youtube 等不存在的网站。

As market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries innovate through simplification. From the back office to the boardroom, warehouse to storefront, on premise to cloud, desktop to mobile device – SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.
As a software developer in the SAP Jam team, your work will span across our web, mobile, and desktop clients—from the client, to the application servers and to the database.
Do you want the satisfaction of knowing that your work makes a positive impact on over 34 million users across many large corporate clients?
Join our elite team that is working on cutting-edge, zero-downtime deployment engineering techniques for enterprise cloud systems.
The successful applicant will
- Love building both beautiful web user interfaces and cloud computing systems that scale to millions of users.
- Learn quickly by jumping directly into code, making sense of it, and making solid changes with little or no supervision..
- Have a solid understanding of web application architectures, including client-side AJAX, HTTP requests, multithreaded servers, and databases.
- Be determined to make software work, and to understand the root cause of each defect.
- Be passionate about continuously improving at writing solid code quickly and a refusal to believe that it cannot be done.
- Be committed to continuously improving his or her technical, architecture, leadership, presentation, and teamwork skill.
- Drive, design, and develop new features by working with Product Management, User Experience, and Software Testing to elaborate on features, estimate task time, and then quickly write high-quality code for complex features.
- Work in a scrum development project model, with a daily team scrum meeting, an automated test suite that you run before every code check-in, and a weekly production release deployment.
- Participate actively in requirement, design, and code reviews.
- Be responsible for the overall architecture of a significant product area.
- Potentially serve as a part-time feature lead, with responsibility for driving a virtual team’s delivery of a feature.
- Interface across teams and actively influence creation of technical solutions across functions and outside our own team.
3 years above of experience in developing web applications, enterprise applications, or complex software.
- Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Computer Science or Engineering.
- You learn and work well independently, as well as in a team.
- Experience with cross-browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) development in HTML, Javascript, and Javascript frameworks such as jQuery and backbone.js
- Experience with object oriented programming.
- Experience with at least one server-side web technology or scripting framework such as Ruby-on-Rails, JRuby, JSP, PHP, ASP/VBScript/Javascript/ASP.NET, Java servlets, Perl, or Python.
- Basic understanding of TCP/IP (IPv4 or IPv6) networking (ports and addresses).
- Experience with SQL databases.
- Experience with source control systems such as git, Subversion, Perforce, Mercurial, Visual SourceSafe, etc.
- Experience releasing software in a continuous or frequent deployment model.
- Experience with Ruby-on-Rails and AJAX.
- Experience with a Linux shell and vi/emacs.
- Knowledge of REST web services.
- Knowledge of in-memory caches and databases such as memcached, Redis, SAP HANA, etc.
- Deeper knowledge of TCP/IP networking and security: packet/LAN sniffers, XSS, CSRF, encryption, HTTPS, SMTP/POP, DNS, etc.
- Advanced debugging skills and tools: ability to isolate memory leaks, memory corruptions, and deadlocks; some experience with a code profiler.
- Advanced software development skills: process/thread synchronization and management, C/C++.
To harness the power of innovation, SAP invests in the development of its diverse employees. We aspire to leverage the qualities and appreciate the unique competencies that each person brings to the company.
SAP is committed to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity and to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants with physical and/or mental disabilities. If you are interested in applying for employment with SAP and are in need of accommodation or special assistance to navigate our website or to complete your application, please send an e-mail with your request to Recruiting Operations Team (Americas: [email protected] or [email protected], APJ: [email protected], EMEA: [email protected]). Requests for reasonable accommodation will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Additional Locations:
Job Segment: Front End, ERP, Developer, Engineer, Cloud, Technology, Engineering
工作地址 :Sap Labs, 晨晖路 1001 号(地铁 2 号线金科路出门 50 米)
英文简历投递 :[email protected]
邮件的标题请注明 [xxx Apply for Web Front-end developer]