早就听说 linode 要免费升级,为什么日本节点还没有动静,什么时候才能升级啊?
嗯,直接问客服,不过我就入坑了,本来在东京 1,他们开了东京 2,我测试了一下,ping 很好,就升级过去了,然后发现,ping 很好,但是实际速度不理想,接着坑就来了,无法挪回东京 1 了,一怒之下索性关了
之前给 Support 提了 ticket,得到的答复是,东京 1 不能升,然后,因为东京 1 不支持 $5 的价格,所以原来用着 Linode 1024 的需要继续支付每月 $10 的费用,他们极力推荐你迁到东京 2。但是测试过,速度感人地不行。。。
今天又给 Linode 提了 traceroute 报告跟下载测试的报告,然而他们给我的答复的大概意思就是“我们测试过了,在我们这边是好的啊,不是我们的网络问题”。
对方给了 speedtest 的数据
I ran some tests from our Tokyo2 datacenter to China Telecom (which is the ISP you most recently logged in from), and I can verify that bandwidth to Guangzhou does seem this bad:
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from Linode (
Hosted by China Telecom (Shanghai) [1762.85 km]: 315.817 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 103.76 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 2.13 Mbits/s
此处省略其他类似的测试报告 * n
That being said, I do not believe this is an issue with our end of the network as we are provider much better bandwidth to other parts of China while still using the same upstream provider. I would recommend reaching out to your ISP for further assistance.
我说几句实话吧,或许对交涉没什么用,因为 Linode 已经下决心逐步关闭 Tokyo1 了,但可以有助于了解情况: