Gem Welcome to Sidekiq 4.0!

kikyous · 2015年11月18日 · 最后由 littlell 回复于 2015年11月18日 · 2927 次阅读

What's New

  • Sidekiq no longer uses Celluloid. If your application code uses Celluloid, you will need to pull it in yourself.

  • redis-namespace has been removed from Sidekiq's gem dependencies. If you want to use namespacing (and I strongly urge you not to), you'll need to add the gem to your Gemfile:

    gem 'redis-namespace'
  • Redis 2.8.0 or greater is required. Redis 2.8 was released two years ago and contains many useful features which Sidekiq couldn't leverage until now. Redis 3.0.3 or greater is recommended for large scale use #2431.

  • Jobs are now fetched from Redis in parallel, making Sidekiq more resilient to high network latency. This means that Sidekiq requires more Redis connections per process. You must have a minimum of concurrency + 2 connections in your pool or Sidekiq will exit. When in doubt, let Sidekiq size the connection pool for you.

@huacnlee 什么时候把 wiki 里边儿的应用部署这块儿给更新完善一下?貌似版本太老了!!!

#4 楼 @easonlovewan 这个周末我来整理一下。

#5 楼 @lgn21st 👍👍👍,周末在线等,,,,哈哈

这个必须要支持 你们动作真快 我看看升级有没有问题

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