今天在一漫画吧看到有人讨论黑客,骇客,Hacker,和 Cracker 这些词。发现对于大众来说 Hacker 这个词还是很贬抑的,一般人都会很自然的联想到带有恶意的系统入侵。
字典中的解释也都认为 Hacker 是带有恶意的人群 比如 Merriam-Webster:
a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage, etc. : a person who hacks into a computer system
可是在 IT 圈里 Hacker 这个词相当褒义啊,比如说招聘信息里经常就会看到 Looking for Linux/Unix/BlahBlah Hacker。
圈内人对于 Hack 的解释还是比较有共识的,比如说下面这两个
A "good hack" is a clever solution to a programming problem and "hacking" is the act of doing it
A hacker, in the classic sense of the term, is someone with a strong interest in how things work, who likes to tinker and create and modify things for the enjoyment of doing so.
感觉 Hacker 这次被媒体与外界人曲解了太久,大众被误导的太根深底部了。