Over its more than 20 years of life, vim has accumulated about 300k lines of scary C89 code that very few people understand or have the guts to mess with.
Another issue, is that as the only person responsible for maintaining vim's big codebase, Bram Moolenaar has to be extra-careful before accepting patches, because once merged, the new code will be his responsibility.
These problems make it very difficult to have new features and bug fixes merged into the core. Vim just can't keep up with the development speed of its plugin ecosystem.
Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor vim source code in order to achieve the following goals:
- Simplify maintenance to improve the speed that bug fixes and features get merged.
- Split the work between multiple developers.
- Enable the implementation of new/modern user interfaces without any modifications to the core source.
- Improve the extensibility power with a new plugin architecture based on coprocesses. Plugins will be written in any programming language without any explicit support from the editor.
UPDATE: 看看 vim 作者对于这事是怎么说的!topic/vim_dev/x0BF9Y0Uby8
#4 楼 @ninehills #5 楼 @wpp1983 像碰到 xcode 这种,我只能用 vim 插件来模拟 vim 了。。起码移动和编辑是比较爽了
@ruohanc 做前端的时候用 vim。vs,sp 分屏很爽。 其他情况,IDEA/XCode + VIM 插件。 ruby 平时用得不多,也用 vim 写。
BTW, 于其折腾 vim,不如 IDE+Vim 插件。
@blacktulip 你说的有道理。vim 也有好用的补全,并且自定义极强,但肯定没有 IDE 来得傻瓜(非贬义)。我以前做 PHP 最喜欢 Netbeans 的补全,刚转到 vim 时各种不适应,还设置了半天。不过后来写 Ruby 时把 vim 的补全都停掉了,感觉不需要。
用过 eclipse, sublime 的人 最后转到 VIM。再也离不开了。
来这里看看 VIM 用户在讨论如何快速 移动:
@iamsmallid 我是说他们本质上有区别,没说 VIM 不好。VIM 当然好啊,我也用。就如同 开车 和 走路,我说他们本质上是有区别的,难道是说 走路不好么?
@zealinux 我觉得还算恰当。实际上,我觉得在项目上 IDE 也比 VIM 效率高,至少站在整个团队上来说。但是也不能否认 VIM 也有比 IDE 高效的地方。就如同走路和开车,我们经常会说”就这堵的,还不如下来走呢。“
#44 楼 @lips IntelliJ IDEA for java RubyMine 和 WebStorm 偶尔会用。