话说我之前有在 oDesk 注册过,最近收到他们一个邮件,被邀请参加一个 test 什么的,觉得好玩就去了,结果没搞定,大家觉得愉♂悦的话可以帮忙瞧瞧。
2 道题目,60 分钟
Given an array of integer numbers
write a function that prints to the standard output (stdout) the largest sum that can be obtained using any sequence of consecutive elements from the array
numbers which is the array of integers described above
the length of the array will not exceed 200,000 each element of the array will be in the [-10000, 10000]
your function is expected to print the requested result and return in less than 2 seconds
Input numbers: 2, -3, 2, 2, -1, 2, -2, 1
Output: 5
The sequence: 2, 2, -1, 2 has sum 5 which is the largest possible.
All products from an ecommerce site are stored as a list of strings representing their names.
Whenever a user starts typing the name of a product the website immediately suggests the full product name that matches the query string.
If a query string is prefix for a product name then they match.
Given the list of products and a list of query strings
* write a function that prints to the standard output (stdout) for each query the product name that matches the query * if there are multiple products matching the query please select the one that is the smallest lexicographically * all string matches must be case insensitive * if no match is found for a given query please print -1
products which is a an array of strings representing the names of the products queries which is an array of strings representing the queries described above
the length of the arrays above will not exceed 100,000 entries each product name or query string will not exceed 30 characters
your function is expected to print the result in less than 2 seconds
products: ["boat", "bike", "phone"] queries: ["b", "bk", "PHo", "bO"]
bike -1 phone boat
然后是我的答案,可能都比较暴力的缘故,所以效率上比较差 另:不要吐嘈为何是 4 个空格,那个 test 的编辑器 tab 就是 4 个,复制下来懒得改了 :( 第一题(我没怎么研究过算法……感觉这个应该可以从算法上改进的)
def max_sum(numbers)
max_sum = 0
len = numbers.size
if len.zero?
puts 0
elsif len == 1
puts numbers.first
(0..(len-1)).each do |start|
(start..(len-1)).each do |last|
sum = 0
numbers[start..last].each { |i| sum += i}
max_sum = sum if max_sum < sum
puts max_sum
6 个 test 过了 2 个,剩下 4 个超时…… Test 0: OK! Test 1: OK! Test 2: Error: your code didn't finish in less than 2 seconds. Test 3: Error: your code didn't finish in less than 2 seconds. Test 4: Error: your code didn't finish in less than 2 seconds. Test 5: Error: your code didn't finish in less than 2 seconds.
def search_products(products, queries)
# Write your code here
# To print results to the standard output you can use puts
# Example puts "Hello world!"
results = []
products = products.sort
queries.each do |query|
found = false
query = query.downcase
products.each do |product|
if product.downcase =~ /^#{query}/
found = true
results << product
results << -1 if !found
puts results
6 个 test 过了 3 个,剩下 3 个超时……如图: